"You’re Fired": Trump Effect Ousts Boehner — Because GOP Donorists Blew Their "Last Chance"
If, as Chuck Baldwin wrote last night, Donald Trump and Speaker John Boehner were in "A Slugfest For The Soul Of The GOP", then Trump won. Instapundit writes
YOU WOn’t HAVE JOHN BOEHNER TO KICK AROUND ANYMORE: Boehner Will Resign From Congress. This is a sign, I think, that the GOP establishment has finally figured out that the root of Trumpmania is the failure of the Boehner-McConnell Congress to deliver despite the big electoral wins of 2014. But is it too late?
Possibly. Here’s what Ann Coulter wrote after the recent election, in which the Republicans won by promising to defeat amnesty: Voters Are Giving You One More Chance, GOP.