You’re Welcome — "Andrew Klavan: Thanks, Christian White Men!"
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Andrew Klavan: Thanks, Christian White Men! July 31, 2014Our host offers a rare display of gratitude to the one group of people no one ever says thank you to: Christian White Men! See the video and transcript below:
I’m Andrew Klavan and this is the Revolting Truth.
You know, so many things have gone wrong in our country recently — like the Obama administration and… the second Obama administration… that we sometimes forget the freedom, equal treatment and toleration most Americans have enjoyed from the very founding of this country until the Obama administration.
So today we at the Revolting Truth would like to pause a moment and express our heartfelt gratitude to the source of these blessings. Thank you, Christian white men!
You see, as everyone knows except knuckleheads and leftists — but I repeat myself — history doesn’t happen all at once. The ancient Egyptians had all the raw materials they needed to make an electric light bulb or write the U.S. Constitution but it took millennia for mankind to come up with those ideas. And so often, when good ideas have been discovered, it was Christian white men who led the way.
Take the abolition of slavery for instance. Owning people was once a universal practice among humans of every color and creed. It was Christian white men who first banned the evil permanently throughout their domain and, in America, fought and died in their hundreds of thousands to bring the institution to an end. Thanks, Christian white men![More]
Whites are more likely to be blamed for slavery than credited for abolition, but slavery was not a white idea, it was an African idea. It was ships that caused the trans-Atlantic slave trade, but slavery was there in Africa before, it was abolished there during colonialism, but it’s back there in places now.