Young Strom

James Fulford


The WSJ piece John Brimelow refers to above contains a reference to Bud Strom, a border rancher with a thousand head of cattle, and a zillion illegals opening his gates, and maybe closing them, and occcasionally cutting the wire for no reason.

Leo Banks writes that

I've interviewed a fellow named Bud Strom, a retired Marine and a pretty fair cowboy poet who has a ranch south of Sierra Vista. He tells about a reporter for The New York Times coming out to his place and doing a story on what it’s like to live on the border. "The story made it sound like I was out there helping them, giving them water and such," says Bud laughing. In fact, when he sees a group, he wheels his horse and gets out of there fast, then calls the Border Patrol.

Since the WSJ can’t manage the massive linking we do here at, I thought I'd link to the original story, so you can see for yourself the New York Timesgetting it wrong one more time.

But also, since Bud Strom is on the frontlines there in Arizona, I thought I'd do the friendly thing and link to his cowboy poetry CD here. You either like cowboy poetry or you don’t, of course, but have a look. Maybe someday he'll get round to one of those immigration reform anthems that James Taranto doesn’t like.

Oh, by the way, Bud Strom is a youthful looking 72; this post is called "Young Strom" because of the contrast with Ol' Strom, 1903-2003.

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