Your Tax Dollars At Work (Census Department) — One Cost Is Renting Mariachis
The Census Bureau is spending an unprecedented $133 million for marketing and outreach for the 2010 enumeration.
That’s a lot of advertising. Ever wonder how they spend all that money?
One cost is renting mariachis.
US Census draws large crowd in Lower ValleyBy Adriana G??mez Lic??n El Paso Times April 2, 2010
SOCORRO — The U.S. Census Bureau drew a large mass of people on the day it took a snapshot of America.
The bureau gathered dozens of Lower Valley residents, including those living in the colonias, on Thursday in Socorro to answer questions about the 2010 Census and advertise jobs it offers.
Families enjoyed their afternoon hearing mariachis and eating pizza and hot dogs at the Rio Visa Community Center. Women were attracted by the raffles, in which prizes were food.
”It’s sort of like a festive environment where people can learn about census,” said Rebecca Robinson, a bureau’s spokeswoman. “People are into it. They are interested.”
Thursday was Census Day, the day people should use as reference to answer and mail back the 10-question form.
Census workers have visited colonia residents since March 22. In these impoverished areas, the bureau has doubled its efforts because the residents are hard to reach.
Census workers were on horseback conducting personal interviews, and 30 outreach workers called “promotoras” visited residents in March to answer questions.