VDARE sadly salutes ZeroHedge for posting on Friday All New US Jobs Since The Covid Crash Have Gone To Foreign-Born Workers’ (by Tyler Durden, June 2, 2023). This is their chart:
This was followed a few hours later by Native-Born Workers Tumble By 369K, As Foreign-Born Workers Soar To Record High, by Tyler Durden, June 2, 2023, which updated with that day’s fresh data:
we pointed out something stunning (and a big problem for the Biden administration): while the US economy has added 3.3 million jobs from the pre-covid highs (make that 3.8 million after today’s blowout print) …
… all of the new jobs have gone to foreign-born workers, with native-born workers stagnating and unable to surpass their pre-covid highs of 131.7 million, set in Oct 2019….
the number of native-born workers tumbled again, dropping by a whopping 369K to 130.744 million, still below the pre-covid highs and barely higher than at the start of the year, but this number was offset almost 1 to 1 by the increase in foreign born workers, which surged by 297K to a record high 30.359 million. This was the biggest monthly drop in native-born workers since November 2022.
This will be no surprise to regular readers of VDARE. Our monthly NATIONAL DATA analysis of these numbers picked up a new deteriorating trend for U.S.-born workers as soon as Biden took office (NATIONAL DATA: January Jobs — Immigrant Workforce Surging, Worker Displacement Inching Up, Border Crossings Increasing. The Biden Rush Gains Steam, by Edwin S. Rubenstein, February 14, 2021), and last August we pointed to the result: NATIONAL DATA: Unprecedented Real Wages Surge Under Trump Collapses Under Biden — Border Treason A Cause (by Peter Brimelow, August 24, 2022).
Very alert readers will also have noticed that Peter Brimelow’s NATIONAL DATA: U.S. Worker Displacement Armageddon Intensifies In October — Ruling Class/ Regime Media Simply Delusional About It (November 7, 2022) is the last posted.
This is not because we do not have the data. Ed Rubenstein’s most recent memo to VDARE.com, not yet written, includes the observations:
The New VDARE American Worker Displacement Index (NVDAWDI), our name for the ratio of the immigrant to native-born employment growth indexes since Jan. 2009, HIT A RECORD 131.4 IN MAY — UP 3.26% FROM APRIL’S 127.3.
At 18.794%, the share of jobs held by foreign-born workers in May was larger than any of the 162 months for we have tracked this data. The prior record, set in November 2022, was 18.657%.
National Data has not been posted since then for the simple reason that NYAG Letitia James’ lynching-by-subpoena attempt has taken up too much of VDARE. com Editor Peter Brimelow’s time.
Score one for the Bad Guys.