Zuckerberg: My Net Worth Only Went Up $3.8 Billion Today, So America Needs Cheaper Programmers
From Business Insider:
Zuckerberg: America’s Failure To Produce Engineers Is ’systemic' (FB)
Jim EdwardsFacebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg got political on his Q2 2013 earnings call yesterday, criticizing America for not producing enough talented engineers for him to recruit.
Zuckerberg’s views on this issue are no secret. He’s given $100 million to the Newark, N.J., school system to improve education there. And he’s backed a controversial lobbying group, FWD.us, which wants to reform immigration law so that companies can recruit foreign engineers and tech workers more easily.
But yesterday, Zuckerberg again hinted that he thinks America is broken when it comes to educating people to take the science, technical, engineering and math (STEM) jobs that he’s creating.
In other news today, from Bloomberg.com: