Radio Derb: MSM Reaction To San Bernardino — "White People Shoot Up Annual Gathering", Etc.
00m42s — White people shoot up annual gathering. (And he was not an immigrant!)
06m04s — Better dead than rude. (Train yourself to not notice.)
09m18s — Stupidfacts. (Like hatefacts, but dumber.)
15m14s — Politicians think long-term! (About some things.)
23m22s — Girls in foxholes. (But too late for Mrs Farook.)
28m38s — Zuckerberg the new Soros. (Giving it all away … to himself.)
30m47s — White student unions. (Speaking fees on request.)
31m42s — Gravitation textbooks. (The prices don’t fall.)
33m55s — Turkmenistan sets a new record. (Upward, forward, onward!)