
Radio Derb: Not Enough Frenchmen Want Their Country Back, "Bipartisanship", No To STAR WARS, Etc.

John Derbyshire



01m23s — Not enough French people want their country back. (Disappointment, and some grim satisfaction.)

08m29s — We need a Second Party. (Back to blood.)

17m46s — Trumpitler. (Might he be Good For The Jews?)

28m56s — Yes, Virginia, there are two political parties. (They just end up doing the same things.)

36m35s — Nukes in the attic. (Trump gets the big thing right.)

45m38s — The Prodfather. (How to get a get.)

48m55s — Forward thinking on demography, update. (Rooting for Japan.)

50m51s — Passing on Star Wars. (Confessions of a sci-fi snob.)

52m29s — Merry Christmas! (With a very old carol.)

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