Biden Imported 324 Afghans on Biometric Watchlist | VDARE Video Bulletin
August 09, 2022, 04:15 PM
A whistleblower at the Department of Defense has revealed that the Biden Regime imported more than 300 Afghans on the Biometrically Enabled Watch List, or BEWL for short.
The "watch list" includes individuals who were previously identified as current or potential threats to national security, including suspected terrorists.
A letter by Missouri Senator Josh Hawley and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin sent to Department of Defense inspector general Sean O’Donnell reports that 324 Afghans on the Biometrically Enabled Watch list were allowed into the United States following Biden’s disastrous decision to suddenly retreat from Afghanistan.
Last year, Hawley also revealed that Biden ordered aircraft packed with Afghan “refugees” to depart for the United States without vetting.
As A.W. Morgan writes for
And in a classic case of closing the barn door after the horse escaped, the FBI is investigating them.
A whistleblower at the Department of Defense has revealed that the Biden Regime imported more than 300 Afghans on the Biometrically Enabled Watch List, or BEWL for short.
The ‘watch list’ includes individuals who were previously identified as current or potential threats to national security, including suspected terrorists.
A letter by Missouri Senator Josh Hawley and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin sent to Department of Defense inspector general Sean O’Donnell reports that 324 Afghans on the Biometrically Enabled Watch list were allowed into the United States following Biden’s disastrous decision to suddenly retreat from Afghanistan.
Last year, Hawley also revealed that Biden ordered aircraft packed with Afghan “refugees” to depart for the United States without vetting.
As A.W. Morgan writes for
And in a classic case of closing the barn door after the horse escaped, the FBI is investigating them. Read the full story here.
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