Biden’s DHS Has Flown and Resettled 220,000 Illegal Aliens into US Airports | VDARE VIDEO BULLETIN
September 28, 2023, 05:26 PM
Traitor Joe Biden’s army of Great Replacement illegal aliens is invading the country on so many fronts it’s almost impossible to track them. Put aside the 100,000 he unleashed to colonize the heartland between September 1 and September 20. Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies reported that he has airmailed another 200,000 to airports nationwide since January.
The operation is linked to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s One Mobile app that illegals use to make appointments at ports of entry.
CBP is illegally withholding the list of airports to which the illegals are flown. But it can’t hide the number. Thus far, Biden has flown in more than 220,000 illegals since October last year.
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