Biden To Admit Over 200K Refugees | VDARE Video Bulletin
April 07, 2022, 06:46 PM
A.W. Morgan writes for
"You’ll find something a little funny about Let’s Go Brandon’s refugee math if you get out the adding machine. Biden campaigned on importing 125,000 refugees."
That campaign promise, which appears in his fiscal 2023 budget proposal, was a whopping 733 percent more than Trump permitted to enter the country during his final year.
But Biden also recently vowed to accept 100,000 refugees from Ukraine. He also promised to import 100,000 Afghans when the U.S. ended its 20-year nation-building endeavor in the Graveyard of Empires, better known as the Middle East
The Daily Mail reported recently that hundreds of Ukrainians are currently awaiting entry into the United States as refugees. Some 400 are in Tijuana alone.
As for the 100,000 Afghans, many if not most are here now.
A.W. Morgan notes:
“Legally speaking, many [Afghans] aren’t refugees because they landed here on special immigrant visas because they worked for the U.S. military or government. Nonetheless, as a practical matter, they are refugees. And it’s worth observing that many who fled the country weren’t vetted. Their legal status is unclear.”
Those 200,000 Afghan and Ukrainian refugees consume all of Biden’s refugee commitment, plus 75,000. The Ukrainians alone will consume 80 percent of the total Biden wants to admit.
Something doesn’t add up. One thing is clear — We should forget Biden’s promise to import 125,000 refugees. The real figure will certainly be much higher.
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