BRIMELOW AT THE CASTLE: GOP Still Terrified Of Being Called RACIST!!!’s Role — Taking Risks To Force Immigration Into Public Debate | VDARE 2023 Conference
August 21, 2023, 04:58 PM
This is Editor Peter Brimelow’s speech at the 2023 VDARE Castle Conference in June.
He was introduced by Lauren Witzke, who won the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in Delaware on an immigration moratorium platform.
Thank you, Lauren. Even if you didn’t take my advice to run for the House in 2022!
And thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m very glad to see you here — and I’m very glad to see you here. What I mean by that is we have old friends in this audience, but there are lots of new people we’ve not met before. And that’s a wonderful thing.
And I’m glad to be here, finally, in this completed conference space. We fought, and I should say Lydia fought, for this venue because we believe it’s absolutely essential for movement to be able to meet, as they say, IRL — “in real life.“
To give you an example of that … [Full Transcript]