Cuckservatives Pushing Mass Amnesty For Illegals | VDARE Video Bulletin


February 26, 2022, 10:00 AM

President Biden and the Democrats have tried every way imaginable to pass Amnesty during the last year, but Republicans have, for the most part, refused to entertain this treasonous idea.

But last week, some House Republicans proposed their own mass Amnesty and 17 Republican senators begged for more cheap migrant labor.

The first sign of possible treason came from Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, a child of a Cuban exile former reporter who worked at Telemundo

Salazar’s bill would give illegal aliens a pathway to citizenship, with incentives to squishy Republicans who need promises of increased border security and enforcement mechanisms to excuse their treachery.

In a statement, Salazar claimed that we “need” Hispanics to help the American economy,

And although “we” don’t need that, unfortunately, six House Republicans agreed with Salazar and co sponsored her bill.

Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon (Puerto Rico): no grade, because as “Resident Commissioner” from an island that is still not a state, she doesn’t have an actual vote.

But that’s not the only sellout GOP Treason Lobby Brain Trusters are trying to conjure up. Last week, 17 GOP senators signed a letter with 17 Democrats urging Biden to bring in more foreign workers. They want to increase the cap on H-2B workers, who steal blue collar jobs from Americans

Washington Watcher II writes:

“That can’t last. The polls are clear: Republican voters want less immigration, not more of it. Republican lawmakers had better listen.”

Read more about the cuckservative push for more amnesty and cheap foreign labor by clicking here.

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