Ethan Liming: White Senior Beaten To Death By 3 Black Males | VDARE Video Bulletin
June 13, 2022, 07:18 PM
His name is Ethan Liming, a White teenager in Akron, Ohio beaten to death by a group of black males outside of a Lebron James “I Promise School”
Tyler Stafford, Donovan Jones, and Deshawn Stafford Jr. have been arrested after police discovered Liming’s body at his school’s parking lot at around 11PM on June 2nd.
Reports say Liming and some friends were driving around the school pranking unsuspecting passersby, shooting SplatRBall water gun before the deadly attack took place.
The killers were presumably provoked when Liming’s friends pulled up to the school basketball court and began unloading water beads at the players.
Liming was fatally injured by blunt force trauma to his head during the brutal beating.
Los Angeles Lakers player Lebron James founded the I Promise School in 2018, seeking to empower students with a positive learning environment. But, at least for Ethan Liming, Lebron’s efforts were in vain.
Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett described Ethan’s murder as a “senseless” act of violence. Something that is all too common in modern America.
During the month of May,’s Kenn Gividen logged over 30 black-on-white murders in his monthly series: The Death of White America.
Read more underreported stories of Black violence and criminality here.
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