August 04, 2022, 11:20 AM
It is time for an update on the ongoing Great Replacement
At Arizona’s border with Mexico, American leftists were recorded on video by Arizona Border Recon dropping supplies such as food and water for illegal alien border crossers. As Arizona Border Recon’s Tim Foley explains, these leftists are aiding and abetting criminal cartel smugglers, as well as “bringing in and harboring” illegals, a federal crime in the United States.
But given the current administration’s open borders policies, they’re unlikely to ever face charges, as’s Federale brings us news that a new Biden Regime Administrative Amnesty has dropped, and this time it’s bringing lawfully deported illegals back to the United States. … The American tax-payer will now subsidize the processing of three-year work permits, welfare payments, new Social Security cards and driver’s licenses for former deportees to once again invade the United States — this time in anticipation of huge cash settlements of their lawsuits which falsely claim they were deported illegally.
But we do have some good news from New England. Immigration Patriots in Massachusetts are organizing a revolution over a new bill that would allow illegal aliens in the Bay State to obtain driver’s licenses. The bill which passed in early june is now being contested by a group called Fair and Secure MA. The group must gather 40,000 signatures to put a “veto referendum” on November’s ballot, or else illegal immigrants will begin driving on July 1st, 2023.
Read more: Leftists Aid Cartels in AZ — /posts/leftists-leave-water-and-care-buckets-for-illegals-at-border
Deportees Rewarded by Biden Regime — /posts/another-biden-regime-administrative-amnesty-rewarding-deported-illegals
Illegals Get Licensed to Drive — /articles/another-boston-tea-party-ma-patriots-organize-revolution-over-illegal-alien-driver-s-licenses
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