ICE is Nice!: "Kidnappings", Portland, Label Lynching etc
August 06, 2018, 09:21 AM Editor Peter Brimelow is again joined by patriot donor Colonel George Wright to discuss the absurdities of the #AbolishICE movement around the country, with a special focus on:
- Portland in particular
- Pacific Northwest more broadly
- label lynching
- the agricultural wages "puzzle"
- ICE "kidnappings"
- family separation
- Matteo Salvini
- and how you can fight back by donating to and getting a neat pro-ICE sticker.
Colonel Wright explains his matching grant challenge if we can make our $40,000 goal by Virginia Dare’s birthday, August 18.
For more information, visit: /posts/honor-virginia-dare-s-birthday-and-get-an-awesome-sticker
To donate, click