It’s OK To Be White in the GOP | VDARE Video Bulletin


February 15, 2022, 06:25 PM

The Lefist Mainstream Media is horrified that Republicans are embracing White Identity Politics.

They shriek over attempts to ban Critical Race Theory. They publish “fact checks” about truthful claims that Democrats put Whites at the back of the line for healthcare treatment. And they especially dislike complaints about Biden’s crass promise that his first nominee for The Supreme Court must be a black woman.

Take this example from The Associated Press: “Donald Trump falsely declared in a weekend rally that public health authorities are denying the COVID-19 vaccine to white people because of their race.”

The Associated Press: “Donald Trump falsely declared in a weekend rally that public health authorities are denying the COVID-19 vaccine to white people because of their race. The former president seeded racial resentments in remarks that twisted the facts on public-health policy and exaggerated the effects of racially conscious antiviral treatment guidelines in New York” [AP FACT CHECK: Trump Seeds Race Animus With COVID Falsehood, by Calvin Woodward and David Klepper, January 16, 2022].

Falsely? Here’s the New York times covering the independent committee of medical “experts” who advise the CDC: It says Teachers should not be included as essential workers, and therefore eligible for priority COVID treatment, because they are “very often white.”

“Teachers should not be included as essential workers, if a central goal of the committee is to reduce health inequalities. ‘Teachers have middle-class salaries, are very often white, and they have college degrees.’ “

However, the Regime Media has a point — GOP rhetoric is finally targeting anti-white racism.

Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters openly called out Critical Race Theory for what it is: anti-white racism.

And the lying press have a right to be worried — it’s effective. 84% of Trump voters say discrimination against whites is real and will greatly increase.

Polls suggest that nearly half of American voters want Critical Race Theory banned in schools.

At least a dozen GOP-controlled state legislatures are aiming to ban CRT in schools, and several more have already done so to the acclaim of voters.

It would appear that every day normal people are starting to notice things. And for the Regime Media, that is very dangerous indeed.

Read more about a potential pro-white wave in the GOP by Washington Watcher II.

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