Mexico’s Racial Stratification | VDARE Video Bulletin


December 13, 2022, 07:15 PM

The L.A. Times recently ran an article reporting that Mexico is a racially stratified country. To which VDARE writer Allan Wall responded: “What a shocker!”

However, to many American readers this may indeed be a new concept.

But not if you read, who has noticed Mexico’s racial stratas for years. If you’re wondering, this means that in Mexico, the lighter your skin tone, the higher up on the socio-economic ladder you tend to find yourself.

The article by Kate Linthicum begins with a story from a steakhouse in Mexico City, who recently came under allegations of racism for reserving their best tables for patrons with the lightest skin.

The article even mentions the recent Los Angeles hullabaloo over what some Latinos on the Los Angeles City Council said when they didn’t know they were being recorded: referring “to Indigenous Mexcans as short, dark-skinned and ugly.”

The L.A. Times asked Racismo MX founder José Anto Aguilar for a response, to which he said:

“Of course the racism we experience here is exported to immigrant communities in the United States,” he said.

Allan Wall writes for

Ahem, let me quote myself from a 2018 article: "And don’t imagine for a minute that importing more Mexicans is going to improve our already-existing homegrown racial problems. It’s just going to exacerbate them."

For more commentary on Mexico’s racial stratification you didn’t hear from the mainstream media first, visit by clicking the link attached to this video.

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