Nearly 300,000 Illegals Released Into United States | VDARE Video Bulletin
February 21, 2022, 06:04 PM
Since October 1st, 2021, the Biden Regime has released nearly 300,000 (263,647) illegal aliens into American cities and towns. In other words, 39.2% of all illegals “encountered” at the border have been released and sent around the country.
Biden and his Homeland Security Secretary, the Cuban-Jewish unindicted visa fraudster, Alejandro Mayorkas, are replacing legacy Americans at an astonishing rate.
The data is thanks to a case brought against the Biden Regime by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, now new border data, including information about illegal alien releases, must be provided each month.
These releases, of course, include those flown into the heartland in the middle of night and dumped into unsuspecting communities.
They are extremely competent. They have not failed. They’ve dumped 300,000 new Democrat voters into the country and gotten away with it. The Great Replacement of the Historic American Nation is proceeding as planned.
That’s why the GOP must impeach Biden and Mayorkas if they retake Congress in November.
Read the full blog by A.W. Morgan here.
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