San Antonio Migrant Resource Center Aiding and Abetting Great Replacement | VDARE Video Bulletin


July 13, 2022, 02:52 PM

Since April 2021, nearly 200,000 illegal aliens have traveled through San Antonio, Texas. Now the city has opened a Migrant Resource Center, where an average of 600 illegals per day can receive free food, overnight shelter, transportation, and consultation on their bogus asylum claims.

Of the 600 migrants who arrive daily in San Antonio, the city says 500 need a place to stay overnight.

Garrett Brnger, KSAT News

A leaked email from the Department of Homeland security states that the facility will provide “quicker connection to resources to expedite onward travel.”

But in reality all this Migrant Resource Center means is that illegals get a quicker connection to resources to expedite The Great Replacement.

Before constructing the new facility, Immigration and Customs Enforcement had been transporting illegals to bus stations and airports directly. However, many had no travel arrangements. City officials claim the Center will keep “migrants” off the streets, where they had previously been loitering.

…previously, many had been going straight to the airport, those who didn’t have immediate travel plans ended up milling around Travis Park downtown, where groups like the Interfaith Welcome Coalition tried to help them with food and shelter.

Garrett Brnger, KSAT News

So thanks to the City Government, and the American tax-payer, San Antonians will no longer be burdened with seeing the ongoing influx of penniless central Americans taking place in their city’s streets. But don’t be deceived. The Great Replacement continues as planned out of sight, behind the doors of the new Migrant Resource Center.

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