July 17, 2020, 11:45 AM
Jesse Lee Peterson is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the so-called “civil rights” establishment and “social justice” movements today.
Jesse grew up on a plantation in Alabama under Jim Crow. He moved to Los Angeles at 18, worked for 20 years, and created a cleaning business. At 40, Jesse founded BOND, a nonprofit dedicated to “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man.”
He counsels men and women, young and old, dealing with emotions, relationships, and personal problems. He speaks in schools, universities, juvenile detention centers, jails, prisons, and churches. He leads Sunday services forums, town halls, rallies, protests, and conferences. He runs a home for young men, helping them learn responsibility. He led after-school character-building programs, and founded a private school, BOND Leadership Academy.
He’s a radio and TV talk show host, media commentator, speaker, columnist, author, activist, pastor, and counselor. Jesse joins John Derbyshire this week on Social Distancing!
Stay tuned for more original content.