Why Michelle Malkin is Banned from Airbnb | VDARE Video Bulletin


February 02, 2022, 07:06 PM

The “dangerous” individual known as Michelle Malkin has been banned from AirBnB. An AirBnB “Trust team” email sent last November notified Malkin that due to her keynote speech at the American Renaissance conference, the bed and breakfast service will be banning the accounts of both her and her husband.

The community support member added that the ban is “consistent with action [they’ve] taken to ban people associated with [American Renaissance] in past years.”

Michelle’s speech, titled “Race, Immigration, and Con. Inc: How I Came to See the Light,” encapsulated her three decades of work covering the nation’s demographic crisis leading to it’s cultural deterioration. She condemned critical race theory, the white-washing of black-on-asian attacks, and censorship of political dissidents on the right.

AirBnB has a history of similar policies. In 2017 the company banned users who were attending Unite the Right in Charlottesville Virginia.

Legally speaking, AirBnB’s actions could be a gross violation of constitutional rights. The company is based in California, and subject to the state’s Unruh Civil Rights act, which protects speech, free-association, and equal housing rights.

Further, the white nationalist characterization of Michelle Malkin, who would ordinarily be described by Woke Tech companies as a “woman of color”, is just another character assassination by far left and anti-white Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League.

Michelle writes:

“I resoundingly reject the notion that condemning Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists constitutes ‘hate.’“

Malkin has now launched a legal fund to fight AirBnB and end discriminatory housing policies against conservatives.

Read the full story and see how to contribute here.

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