Why Wasn’t Darrell Brooks Charged With a Hate Crime? | VDARE Video Bulletin


November 04, 2022, 07:01 PM

Darrell Brooks, the man behind the Waukesha massacre, was found guilty of first-degree intentional homicide, as well as other charges. The verdict comes at the end of a trial that can only be described as a twisted farce, with Brooks repeatedly plunging the court into absurdity as he represented himself.

It’s important to note that Brooks was not just convicted of six charges. He was convicted of about 76 charges, including battery of his ex-girlfriend.

However, as James Kirkpatrick writes:

However, none of these charges were hate crime charges against white people. It’s a dramatic difference between the way the media and the government, including the Department of Justice under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, treated James Fields.

This is not to say that James Fields did nothing wrong, but it’s worth noting that Fields slammed on the brakes after hitting the crowd. Brooks just kept on going.

When the Obama Administration’s Department of Justice investigated George Zimmerman’s shooting of Trayvon Martin, it investigated his life for evidence of racism.

No such investigation seems to have been conducted on Brooks, although it wouldn’t be hard.

Darrell Brooks once recorded a violent anti-white rap, which he explicitly linked to Malcolm X and others who are now hailed by our rulers as heroes.

“In the spirit of Malcolm, Nat Turner, Marcus Garvey, and everybody that died for freedom in this country whether white or black, and everybody that stand against white supremacy in this country, let’s get it,”

James Kirkpatrick writes for VDARE.com:

Why then was Brooks not charged with a hate crime against whites? Leave aside that an equivalent act by a white man would be the biggest story in the country.

Read more by James Kikrpatrick on VDARE.com here.

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