James Ryan
- NYT Elite Obituaries: Our Enemies Are Dying
- The Pakistani/ Indian Gang Rape “Epidemic”: Cultural or Hereditary?
- James Ryan On Andrew Vidak’s District Demographics — And Why He May Keep His Seat
- Lindsay Graham Can’t Count (Or Something): Whites, Not Hispanics, Key To U.S. Electoral Future
- Rand Paul, Barack Obama, And East Haven CT: Harassing Air Travelers OK — But Not Illegal Aliens
- The Hispanic Terrorist Trend — Why No MSM Feeding Frenzy?
- Report From Occupied America: Goodbye, Columbus, Come Back Pancho Villa! NM Town Surrenders To Mexican Bandits
- The Strange Tale of Obama, The Teamsters, The Sierra Club — And Those Cheap, Dirty, Dangerous Mexican Trucks
- Brown Herring: J.T. Ready And His "Neo-Nazi" Border Patrol