2014 Midterms: Good News For GOP And Immigration Patriots — But No Decisive Breakthrough
The ball bounced the right way for the GOP in a lot of close races in the 2014 midterm elections, as it did not in the 2010 Tea Party midterms. For immigration patriots, as for the GOP generally, there were more clear wins to celebrate than in 2010; this time, the grinding trench warfare advance was in the GOP’s underlying share of the white vote, which did not show the improvement that could have been achieved had the immigration issue been nationalized to create a wave election. Much work remains to be done — even apart from the very real possibility that the GOP Establishment will steal this victory, as it did in 2010.
But first let’s celebrate a few, perhaps less obvious, of the clear wins:
- No on Measure 88.
Oregon’s Measure 88, which would have provided “driver cards” to illegal aliens, was losing overwhelmingly at press time, 64%-36% (Driver card measure fails: Oregon election results 2014, by Dana Tims, oregonlive.com, November 4, 2012). At the same time, the useless GOP Establishment Senate candidate, Monica Wehby, who ran away from the issue, was losing 38%-55%. CNN’s exit poll shows Wehby losing the white vote in Oregon 39%-58%, typical of the GOP’s continuing problem in the northern tier states.
Measure 88’s defeat is yet another triumph for America’s heroic grass roots immigration patriots. As with Montana’s anti-illegal alien initiative in 2012, it contrasts starkly with simultaneous GOP failure in the state. You’d think the GOP would learn. But it’s not called the Stupid Party for nothing.
- Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach re-elected
Kobach is a huge political talent who has been deeply involved in litigating in defense of local jurisdictions’ right to protect themselves from illegal aliens. This made him a particular target of the Treason Lobby, but he survived, along with other less worthy Kansas Republicans.
- Tom Cotton defeats Senator Mark Pryor in Arkansas
- Paul LePage Re-elected Governor of Maine
LePage incurred the wrath of the Treason Lobby by fighting to protect his state and its taxpayers from “asylum seekers.”
- Frank Guinta regains NH-1
(Shea-Porter concedes race to Guinta in 1st District| Shea-Porter, Guinta have faced off twice before, by Kirk Enstrom, WMUR.com, November 5, 2014) First elected in the 2010 Tea Party Midterms, Guinta was one of the few GOP legislators to spot the significance to Obama’s 2011 Administrative Amnesty. Guinta had reportedly considered running for the New Hampshire Senate seat ultimately won by Rubio-Lite gyno-American Kelly Ayotte. But she’s up for re-election in 2016!
- Senator Jeff Sessions is re-elected unopposed.
Sessions is the great spokesman for immigration patriot “National Conservatism” and it has earned him a domination of Alabama that contrasts dramatically with the sharply-contested races in the neighboring deep South states of Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Nationally in 2014, the GOP appears to have won about 60% of the white vote (Exit polls: National House, CNN.com, November 5, 2014). This is about what it won in the 2010 Tea Party midterms, and slightly better than the hapless Mitt Romney won in 2012.
But white turnout was higher than for Romney in 2012 — according to CNN, whites made up 75% of the voters in 2014, vs. some 72% in 2012.
To put this in perspective, remember that Reagan won 64% of the white vote in 1984 — and Nixon won 67% back in 1972.
Even without an immigration moratorium, the GOP (in its role as GAP — “Generic American Party”) could win national elections through the middle of the century simply by increasing its share of the white vote. There is some academic evidence that this will happen whether GOP strategists like it or not. Remember that white Mississippians voted 89 percent for Romney in 2012.
On the evidence of the 2014 midterms, however, the decisive breakthrough has still not been occurred.
Peter Brimelow is the editor of VDARE.com. His best-selling book, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster, is now available in Kindle format.