A Venezuelan Immigrant Remembers 9/11 — And Asks: Why No Immigration Moratorium?
No date in American history can ever be etched in my memory like 9/11. I was a new immigrant to the United States, a Venezuela-born boy who landed here in 1997. It started out like just another elementary school day for me in my hometown in Texas. Pondering the intricacies of politics was not on my radar back then. For me, politics was strange, involving men in suits gathered in Greek- or Roman style buildings to discuss matters way over my prepubescent head. But here’s what I learned on 9/11: Misguided immigration policies led to the terror attack. And 20 years later, nothing much has changed.
It was just going to be another day, filled with the same boring math and science lessons. But things started to get weird when another teacher came in the middle of class and whispered in my teacher’s ear. For another 30 minutes or so, she continued her lesson. But on finishing, she abruptly announced that class was being let out early.
No explanation was given, but so what? Nothing beats a short school day. I briskly walked home and started thinking about all the free time I would have to play video games, watch TV, and hang out with friends. My younger sister beat me to the punch and had already turned on the TV. What I saw on the screen was devastating.
The smoldering Twin Towers and lurid images of people stuck in their upper floors shook me to my core. Having been in the United States just five or so years, I always imagined my adopted country was incredibly safe. No one would dare attack it. 9/11 changed all of that.
Later that day, my parents came home and told us that four planes were hijacked; two of them crashed into the World Trade Center, another into the Pentagon. Passengers on another, United Flight 93, rushed the hijackers and forced the plane into the ground in Pennsylvania. Were it not for the fearlessness of those ill-fated Americans, the Boeing 737 might have reached its target, the US Capitol.
Later, I learned that the Islamist terror outfit, al-Qaeda, was responsible for the attack, which left nearly 3,000 dead. For my politically underdeveloped self, this was a lot to take in. But I gradually made sense of what happened.
I was ignorant of Islam at the time. It wasn’t until my middle school years, when I started playing real-time strategy games like Age of Empires, that I took an interest in history. They were far more engaging than my dull, Politically-Correct history classes. Because of my gaming, I fell down into the rabbit holes of history and politics. I haven’t escaped yet.
Politics gradually became my primary interest. And part of my political education was learning the truth about Islam. Contrary to the conventional wisdom instilled in schools from K through college, Islam is no religion of peace, as Bush 43 falsely claimed. It is expansionist, and its core tenets conflict with Western values. While Islam does not have the imperial backing it enjoyed in the Ummayad, Abbasid, or Ottoman eras, it remains a fast-growing faith with many adherents who are willing to spread their religion at the barrel of a gun or with a suicide vest.
One way Islamists expand their influence: by exploiting the West’s lax immigration policies. From there, the Mohammedan interlopers set up their very own ghettos, which subsequently become Islamic statelets [No Go Zones: A Guide to Western Failed States and European Secessionist Movements by Sam Jacobs, Ammo.com]. Thanks to the West’s falling for the Siren Song of multiculturalism, many countries can’t or won’t re-assert national identity. Long ago, when leaders were not hamstrung by political correctness, they expelled dangerous foreigners, or even those who stepped out of line.
As the years pass, historical events are retconned to fit the narratives of the Uniparty. 9/11 seems now generally viewed as some type of natural disaster that just happened by chance, or a conflict between Western liberalism vs. “fundamentalist” illiberalism. Those notions are nonsense, of course.
The enlightened minds in the D.C. Swamp, academia, and the Lügenpresse seem to forget that America’s immigration policy played a critical role in facilitating the 9/11 attack. Islamic terrorist attacks were never an issue in America prior to the passage of the 1965 Hart-Celler immigration bill. Non-white immigration to the US was virtually non-existent until the US opened the floodgates to Third World immigration.
Few political pundits are willing to mention this uncomfortable truth. One of the lone voices who can be counted on to expose America’s immigration insanity is Michelle Malkin. Malkin pulled no punches in an article she wrote on the 17th anniversary of 9/11. Unlike the overwhelming majority of conservatives who are immune to pattern recognition, she laid out the simple truth that 15 of the hijackers were Saudis, while the others were from Egypt, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates. Five overstayed visas.
It cannot be stressed enough that they landed here legally: 16 on tourist visas, three on business and student visas.
To add insult to injury, nothing much has changed. Millions of foreigners still overstay visas. The federal government still does not effectively monitor foreigners who enter the country on temporary visas [Loophole Used by 9/11 Hijackers Still Open with 6 Million Visa Overstays in U.S. by John Binder, Breitbart News, September 11, 2019]. Even the 9/11 Commission Report urged the Department of Homeland Security to enact a nationwide biometric entry-exit system that would identify legal immigrants who have overstayed their visas and expedite their deportation. Nothing has been done.
What’s darkly amusing about the hijackers is that they came from countries with which the U.S. has strong economic and defense ties. Such are the perils of having “allies” with large, militant Islamic populations and lackluster security forces to neutralize their most radical subjects.
Perhaps the US should reconsider these relationships. But that’s a topic for another day.
Ignoring how misguided U.S. immigration policies contributed to the 9/11 attacks is a slap in the face to Americans whose loved ones were murdered that day.
And refusing to confront the danger of mass immigration from countries hostile to the U.S, — like Afghanistan — will invite additional attacks and immigration-related acts of violence.
The one way we can properly respect the Americans who died on 9/11 is by passing an immigration moratorium — to ensure that future generations never fall victim to the preventable evils of mass migration.
Pedro de Alvarado is a Hispanic dissident who is well aware of the realities of race from his experience living throughout Latin America and in the states.
As a native of lands conquered by brave Spaniards but later subverted by centuries of multi-racial trickery and despotic governance, Pedro offers clear warnings to Americans about the perils of multi-racialism.