
Biden’s Immigration Disaster: None Dare Call It Treason. But What If THEY Call It War?

By James Kirkpatrick


The consequences of mass immigration are indistinguishable from those of military conquest, and invaders are now increasingly comfortable about speaking in such terms. Thus another “caravan” of Haitians is being formed south of the border and its leader, supposedly a dual citizen of Mexico and the U.S., brags about being ready for “war.” The Biden Administration is doing nothing to stop this, but it is haltingenforcement actions against workplaces using illegal labor. And it has set loose more than 100,000 illegals, regardless of Covid vaccination status, while simultaneously pushing massive pandemic restrictions on actual Americans. This isn’t simply a mistake. It’s a deliberate attempt to turn America into the Third World, so the Left can reign over one giant Haiti. It’s obviously treason, except for the fact that many of those imposing these policies never considered themselves American to begin with.

Let Irineo Mujica, who is reportedly leading one of these caravans, speak for himself — migrants are coming “with or without papers” and they are "ready for war":

Tapachula Mexico.Activist and defender of human rights Irineo Mujica leader of the next caravan says “We are ready for War” as 80,000 migrants wait to move to the north. @AgueroForTexas @BenBergquam @RepMTG @SaraCarterDC @BillFOXLA @AliBradleyTV @foxnewsdesk pic.twitter.com/OyEgenp7x4

— Oscar El Blue (@Oscarelblue) October 8, 2021

Indeed, it’s even something of a jihad, as he claims God is with them [New Haitian caravan heading for U.S. border in 20 days, activist says, by Julian Resendiz, WGN9, October 6, 2021]. Mujica is apparently a dual citizen of America and Mexico [Irineo Mujica, FrontLineDefenders, Accessed October 13, 2021]. This has been a long-time racket for Mujica, as his Pueblo Sin Fronteras group organized the “caravan” of 2018. So it’s no mystery who is behind these caravans. Why won’t immigration law enforcement — and, for that matter, the FBI — refuse to arrest someone who is openly saying that he will break America’s laws?

Unless you think America’s federal government, with its vast resources, is simply incompetent, the answer is simple and shocking: our rulers support the same agenda. Thus, leaked documents from the Border Patrol show that at least 160,000 illegals have been released into the United States with little or no oversight [Leaked Border Patrol docs show mass release of illegal immigrants into US by Biden Administration, by Bill Melugin and Adam Shaw, Fox News, October 13, 2021]. This would be crazy in normal times; during a pandemic that is being used to justify sweeping crackdowns on Americans’ civil liberties, it looks positively malevolent.

And it’s also just the beginning. Panama has warned American officials for months about caravans of Haitians heading to American borders [Panama warns of looming Haitian migrant wave, tens of thousands on the way, by Ronn Blitzer, Fox News, September 30, 2021].

The fact that these caravans are coming from Haiti is especially interesting, given that country’s place in Black Lives Matter mythology. Thus National Public Radio, the closest thing America has to a state-run media, published a fawning tribute to the Haitian Revolution last July 4. Historian Marlene Daut said that “to a large extent, the Haitian Revolution is the first Black Lives Matter movement” [What the Haitian Revolution Tells Us About The U.S. Movement For Racial Equality, NPR, 2021]. Incredibly, Daut says that revolutionary leader Jean-Jacques Dessalines “spells out liberty in some incredibly profound ways, including banning conquests, no more colonialism” and credits him with saying that “we’re not going to become like European empires.”

In reality, Jean-Jacques Dessalines had all the French on the island massacred, invaded the Spanish side of Hispaniola, and literally had himself proclaimed emperor. His subjects later murdered him and mutilated his remains. (Of course, this is still only the second-most embarrassing imperial reign in Haitian history: Black History Memory 2014: The Glorious Reign of Emperor Faustin I Soulouque, by Hunter Wallace, Occidental Dissent, February 3, 2021).

Haiti’s subsequent history and current state was eloquently summed up by President Donald Trump in one word back in 2018. Nonetheless, this hasn’t prevented Haiti (like South Africa) from being seen by Leftists as an ideal for a future, anti-racist United States by Leftists [In the quest for abolition, America must learn from Haiti, by Marina Magloire, Scalawag, July 6, 2020]. But this poses a problem: if Haiti is such a success story, why is living there now so intolerable that Haitians somehow have a right to live in the United States?

Of course, no one is grappling with that question. Instead, much as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used a fantastic race-based mythos to argue that Hispanics have a kind of blood exemption from immigration laws by virtue of being “indigenous,” Haitians get to come to the U.S. simply because they are black [AOC: Conquistador-American, by Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, February 11, 2019].

Haitian immigration is being lumped under the larger BLM agenda. And some Haitians already in the United States are also reportedly working to bring in demographic reinforcements. The Regime Megaphone campaign to force us to surrender to this invasion is already underway:

Our state broadcaster is also laying down the narrative that Haiti’s plight is Really Our Fault [The Greatest Heist In History’: How Haiti Was Forced To Pay Reparations For Freedom, by Greg Rosalsky, NPR, October 5, 2021].

Once again, on a long enough timeline, every anti-white, “anticolonial” struggle ends with a demand to be governed by white people again.

Where do American interests fit into all this? Answer: not at all.

The Biden Administration is already working to dismantle what few immigration controls remain. Besides simply letting tens of thousands of Haitians loose into the country, the Biden Administration has also halted ICE raids at workplaces, thus keeping the jobs magnet in place that will attract ever more migrants [Biden administration orders halt to ICE raids at worksites, by Nick Miroff, Washington Post, October 12, 2021]. The Democrats are still plotting to smuggle in a massive Amnesty for illegals in the next spending bill [Democrats Scramble to Keep Immigration Overhaul Alive in Reconciliation Bill, by Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Luke Broadwater, New York Times, October 13, 2021]. Finally, and most symbolically, the Biden Administration is letting materials already set aside for border wall construction rust away rather than be used [$100 million in border wall materials rusting away in Texas: report, by Mark Moore, New York Post, October 11, 2021]. (One would think he would at least carry this out as an infrastructure project.)

This is occurring just as more border rushes are already being organized in Mexico [Border Officials Brace for Potential ‘Mother of All Caravans’ Assembling in Mexico, by Alex Rouhandeh, Newsweek, October 12, 2021]. Given that the federal government isn’t doing anything to prevent this premeditated invasion — indeed is implicitly encouraging it — the Texas National Guard may have to do the job [Texas National Guard ‘gearing up’ on border as migrant caravan approaches, by Jon Brown, Fox News, October 3, 2021]. We’re talking about numbers as large as one million people [Migrant crisis could bring 1M people to US-Mexico border, Guatemalan activist warns, by Dom Calicchio, Fox News, October 2, 2021]. Face it: that’s an invasion.

Personally, I’m skeptical about prospects for secession from the Union. After all, we are trying to save the country. However, if the federal government is refusing to enforce immigration laws of the most basic sort, in the midst of a pandemic, I’d argue the Union has already been dissolved from above. States are being told they are on their own and the federal government is failing to execute one of its core functions — arguably its only legitimate function.

Republican governors are at least speaking out about this, which is more than we might have expected just a few years ago ["Biden Owns This": 10 Governors Outline 10-Step Plan to End Border Crisis, Calling Biden to Finally Act, by Steve Warren, CBN, October 7, 2021].

Given all the problems America faces, it’s impossible to argue that dumping one million Haitians on Middle America is going to improve matters. Yet it’s also increasingly hard to believe that the Biden Administration cares. The return to “normality” that the Biden Administration represented to the naïve has long since been cast aside.

The terrifying truth: we are ruled by those who know they are hurting the country. They take pleasure from that fact.

Leftists are delighted to turn America into another Haiti. They just want to be the emperors of the ashes.

James Kirkpatrick [Tweet him @VDAREJamesK] is a Beltway veteran and a refugee from Conservatism Inc. His latest book is Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right. Read VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow’s Preface here.

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