Independence Day 2021: “If This Be Whiteness…”
Earlier (last year at this time) Happy Independence Day — “Juneteenth” For The Historic American Nation!
The recent kerfuffles over Juneteenth, Critical Race Theory, history teaching and what not have all been about one thing: black people refusing to admit that most of American history is NOT ABOUT THEM.
They’re part of the story, of course, starting in 1619, but it’s NOT ABOUT THEM.
George Washington may have owned slaves, but that was almost the least important thing about his career. Same for Thomas Jefferson. The American Revolution wasn’t about slavery and, in many ways, the Civil War wasn’t either. Like the current Cold Civil War, it was two groups of white people quarreling over who was to govern.
For example, white Southern Democrat Claire McCaskill, a representative of the Left, says she’s going to inaugurate a July 4 tradition of watching video of the Mostly Peaceful Protest at the Capitol on January 6.
Claire McCaskill wants a video? We recommend VDARE’s ’CAPITOL "INSURRECTION" HOAX: How Our Lying Press Would Have Spun Jan 6 Protest If Trump Were A Democrat’
— VDARE (@vdare) July 2, 2021
McCaskill is not doing this because she wants her family to see what actual patriots look like, but to maintain her hatred of certain white people, and to encourage the Capitol Insurrection Hoax Narrative.
Recently federalized Juneteenth is in effect a black Independence Day, and now-omnipresent “Lift Every Voice And Sing,” is known — unofficially — as the Black National Anthem. (It was the Negro National Anthem when I was younger.)
#Editorial: If you want a separate national anthem, you should leave and start your own country.
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) July 3, 2021
When slavery still existed, anti-slavery activist and escaped slave Frederick Douglass asked ““What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”” [Speech, July 5, 1852].
He said: “I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary!”
Slavery was abolished 13 years later, and full legal equality for blacks, in spite of massive resistance by un-Reconstructed Southerners, may have been said to have been achieved by 1965. But blacks apparently still don’t feel, or act, loyal to the American nation, or any of its historic symbols — like, for example, the American, not the Confederate Flag.
First, They Came For The Confederate Flag — because it was allegedly a symbol of the legacy of slavery and whiteness, which in this case means the Historic American Nation.
Today, flying the American flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) July 3, 2021
Now, they’re coming for the American Flag — because it, too, according to blacks and Woke whites, a symbol of the legacy of slavery and whiteness…which means, as I said, the Historic American Nation.
But if American patriotism, the kind of thing that Americans of all races should have been capable of supporting, becomes evidence of “whiteness,” that may awaken a realization among white Americans of just where things are going these days.
And on Independence Day, people who are grilling, shooting off fireworks, saluting the flag, or singing the National Anthem may, while they’re enjoying themselves, be tempted to say, paraphrasing Patrick Henry: “If this be whiteness, make the most of it!”
Last night at the VDARE HQ in Berkeley Springs. Celebrating America and the Fourth of July in style!
— VDARE (@vdare) July 3, 2021
Happy Independence Day from your friends at!
Independence Day Columns from previous years:
- 07/04/2020 — Happy Independence Day — “Juneteenth” For The Historic American Nation!
- 07/05/2019 — John Derbyshire: Then They Came For…Betsy Ross? Jefferson? July 4th? AMERICA?
- 07/05/2019 — Patrick J. Buchanan: Trump’s Patriotism Vs. The New Anti-Americanism
- 07/03/2019 — Anti-Patriotism From Anti-America On The Fourth, Tank Watch Edition
- 07/03/2019 — Happy Fourth! This Year, It’s About Thomas Jefferson, Not Colin Kaepernick
- 07/03/18 — Wishes Normal, Patriotic Americans A Happy Fourth Of July, 2018
- 07/03/17 — Independence Day: A Diverse Journalist Claims To Love America — But That Doesn’t Include The Founding Fathers, Or You
- 07/03/16 — The Fourth Of July Is Beloved Of Americans — But Not All "Citizens" Think Of Themselves That Way
- 07/04/15 — July Fourth Fear: Can Free Speech (And America) Survive A Minority-Dominated Supreme Court?
- 07/04/15 — Happy Independence Day From!
- 07/04/14 — Sworn On The Fourth Of July — Naturalization Ceremonies Certifying A New People
- 07/04/13 — Says: Happy Independence Day — But Watch Out For Real Gunfire!
- 07/04/13 — A Fourth Of July Immigration Sermon From SLATE
- 07/05/13 — Reader Hears People Starting To Say “Happy Holiday” On July Fourth — That’s Starting The “War On Christmas” Early!
- 07/04/12 Happy Fourth! “Independence Day” And “Immigration” — Two Things That DON’T Go Together
- 07/03/11 The Fulford File, By James Fulford | Independence Day Under Immigration Attack
- 07/03/10 “In The Year Of Our Lord”…Independence Day And Loyalty Day
- 07/03/08 — The Fulford File: Independence Day — “Pomp, Shows, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires, And Illuminations “ — But Not Immigration
- 06/27/08 — View From Lodi CA: Independence Day and Hot Dog Gluttony
- 07/03/07 — The Fulford File: Independence Day AND Immigration — Time To Declare Independence From Five Billion Potential Immigrants
- 07/03/06 — The Fulford File: “There Shall Be Closed Borders”
- 07/04/05 — A Second Independence Day: Summary Deportation Now (Or Counter-Insurgency Later?), by Juan Mann
- 07/03/05 — The Fulford File: Independence Day And The WSJ Edit Page, by James Fulford
- 07/03/04 — Jack Kemp vs. George Washington On Independence Day
- 07/03/03 — Independence Day Is NOT Immigration Day — Despite the Wall Street Journal
- 07/04/02 — Immigration Day?
- 07/04/01 — Patriotic Bore By Chilton Williamson Jr.
- 07/09/01 — Abolishing America (contd.): Establishment Sages Say Nation Obsolete, By Sam Francis
- 07/03/01 — Wall Street Journal: Independence Day Means Immigration!