“Blessed Are Ye, When Men Shall Revile You” — Roy Moore vs. Christophobia And The Homosexual Lobby
Arresting thought: a Roy Moore victory in the December 12 Alabama Senate race would be even more revolutionary than Donald Trump’s 2016 capture of the Presidency. (Actually, the fact that Moore has come so close — the RCP polling average has him ahead 2.3% as of December 7 — shows the revolution is already here, but a miss is as good as a mile and America’s political class has shown an unmatched capacity to go back to sleep). Unlike Trump, Moore explicitly confronts two of the most powerful, if unspoken, forces in American public life: Christophobia and the homosexual lobby. And implicitly, he challenges the role of judges in imposing social policy. All good news for immigration patriots.
Stipulation: From VDARE.com’s point of view, Roy Moore was not as strong an immigration patriot as another primary contender, the great Rep. Mo Brooks (our Patrick Cleburne even suggested Brooks for Trump’s vice-president). The fact remains, however, that Moore’s election would strike another blow, perhaps this time decisive, against the useless GOP Congressional Leadership and its incessant plotting to slip through a DACA Amnesty.
Another stipulation: maybe it’s because I remember the 1970s that I agree with John Derbyshire (ditto) that what he calls the “Pervnado” is a ridiculous witch-hunt, probably triggered by corrupt motives and by trial lawyer greed. I’d even say this about accusations against the otherwise-unlamented (NumbersUSA Career Grade: F) Senator Al Franken. His most recent accuser claims:
I asked to get a picture with him. We posed for the shot. He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice.I Believe Franken’s Accusers Because He Groped Me, Too by Tina Dupuy, The Atlantic, December 6, 2017
That’s IT? That’s ALL?
My dear first wife Maggy Laws (women kept their last names back then), a financial journalist in the 1970s and a vehement proponent of the view that men can always be kept in their place, would have died laughing, if she were not already dead.
It’s vital to note how much of the attack on Roy Moore depends on sleight of hand — artful word choice and subtle retrofitting of mores.
Thus Al Franken in his resignation speech to the Senate complained that there was “irony in the fact that I am leaving while…a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the Senate with the full support of his party.” But only one of the “young girls” was below 16, the age of consent in Alabama — Leigh Corfman, who says she and Moore engaged in what used to be called heavy petting when she was 14 but whose account and chronology has come under ferocious attack.
Instead, it appears that whoever decides these things has now decreed that men in their thirties should not date (a.k.a. “prey” on) girls in their late teens. Indeed, two of the nine women who have come forward say specifically that they had no problem with dating at the time but after all these years have decided, as one puts it, that “our age difference at that time made our dating inappropriate”. [These nine women have accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct, by Elizabeth Ponsot, Quartz, December 7, 2017 — n.b. “sexual misconduct” although none of these women allege intercourse and one didn’t even agree to a date at all.]
But this retrofitting is quite contrary to America social practices at the time and, of course, throughout most of human history. The median (half above, half below) age of marriage for women in 2015 is now 27.1 (29.2 for men) but this is a very new development. In 1974, when Moore returned from Vietnam, the median (half above, half below) age of marriage for women was 21.1 — quite obviously, many girls were marrying in their late teens. (In 1956, it was an incredible 20.1). The median age of marriage for men was then 23.1, but it’s interesting to see that back in 1890, when the median age of marriage for women was 22, the median age for men was 26.1 — obviously a good few were indeed in their thirties (Estimated Median Age of First Marriage by Gender: 1890 to 2015, by Sheri Stritof, The Spruce, August 21, 2017)
I find this retrofitting irritating personally. I am 38 years older than Lydia (we’ve been happily married nearly eleven years and have three children, thank you very much). The Catholic Church, to which Lydia belongs and in which we were wed, has tightened up a lot on vetting all betrothed couples since I married my first Irish wife in 1980 and we were questioned closely by our priest (Fr. Robert Sirico of the Acton Institute). But he swept aside the age difference: “The Church has no objection.”)
And they’ve been doing this for 2000 years.
The Democrat line is apparently that Franken’s resignation strengthens their hand [Al Franken resigns, setting precedent for Donald Trump and Roy Moore, by Matthew Rozsa, Salon, December 7, 2017]. But this is just whistling past the astonishing recent holocaust of so many liberal icons. Moore has nothing since his marriage in 1985 to compare with Franken’s recent pattern — much less that of Bill Clinton. And Alabama voters certainly know now about the allegations — unlike Franken’s Minnesotans.
As of Thursday evening, Google shows 1.21 MILLION results for “Roy Moore” + pedophile, although pedophile is defined as sexual attraction to prepubescent children, which absolutely no-one has alleged, as even the Washington Post has churlishly admitted [Roy Moore is not a pedophile, By Rachel Hope Cleves and Nicholas L. Syrett, November 19, 2017]. In contrast, there are a mere 12,000 items for “Roy Moore” + Christophobia, many of them just noise.
This is what it is to control what Steve Sailer calls The Megaphone. The fact that Republicans, Christians whites — Americans — have not been able to inject the concept of Christophobia into public debate is completely crippling to them, as I argued at the time of Mike Pence’s ignominious rout over Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Because Christophobia is manifestly a profound force in American life — a key factor, for example, motivating the War On Christmas. To gauge its blind paranoid ferocity, I invite readers to contemplate The Trump administration is dreaming of a very, very, very white Christmas, by Steve Brodner, Los Angeles Times, December 3 2017:
AN ALT-RIGHT HOLIDAY SINGALONG starring, from left center, clockwise: Vice President Mike Pence, counselor Kellyanne Conway, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, President Trump, Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, senior policy advisor Stephen Miller, Breitbart executive Stephen K. Bannon, and commentators Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity. Tree lighters: agitators Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos. Tree topper: Russian President Vladimir Putin.All links added
Note that Christmas, American whites, the Confederacy, Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan are all conflated. And Stephen Miller is wearing a Star of David.
These people hate us. They really hate us. And they hate really, REALLY hate Roy Moore, who is a white Christian of a sort not seen in Washington D.C. for many years.
This is why the CultMarx U.K. Guardian sprang for a week-long (!) investigation of Moore’s year in Australia portentously headlined Why did Roy Moore escape to Australia? Clues remain in the outback wilderness [by Michael McGowan, December 3, 2017). It concluded, ludicrously: “But in Australia, the Guardian did not find any reports of improper behaviour.” [UK orthography]
What is seen in Washington D.C., however, is homosexuality. They are, as they say, everywhere, not least in the GOP — for example (we eventually learned) Ken Mehlman, George W. Bush’s 2004 campaign chairman, subsequent Republican National Committee Chairman and (needless to say) immigration enthusiast. There are real reasons for this: some political trades, such as campaign operative, are basically incompatible with normal family life.
VDARE.com is a forum site focused on the post-1965 immigration disaster and takes no editorial position on homosexuality, gay marriage or Religious Freedom Restoration Acts. We have gay readers and donors. I’ve several times tried to assign articles on the gay perspective on immigration, only to be told that the Political Correctness in that community is too intense for writers to take the risk. (One correspondent used to sign himself “Out-Of-The-Closet Gay, In-The-Closet-Immigration-Reformer”!)
From our point of view, however, the overall immigration policy implications are not encouraging.
Roy Moore, in contrast, does take a position on homosexuality — he’s against it:
"Do you know that bestiality, the relationship between man and beast, is prohibited in every state?" — Moore in that same 2005 C-SPAN interview. The host asked: "Did I ask you about having sex with a cow? Or a horse or a dog?" Moore replied: "It’s the same thing."13 things Roy Moore has said about sex and morality,
Al.Com, November 19, 2017
As Ann Coulter says:
Moore’s real crime is that he’s a believing Christian who goes around wantonly quoting the Bible on sodomy. Journalists react to that like Linda Blair in “The Exorcist.”
To put this in perspective, remember that homosexuality was illegal in Alabama right until the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state sodomy laws in 2003. Alabama voters never got a say. They still have not repealed state law requiring public schools to discourage homosexuality. How did the political class expect them to respond?
Moore is accused of putting his Biblical views above Supreme Court rulings. But from Alabama’s point of view how is this different from (let alone preferable to) the Supreme Court’s putting the latest Cult Marx fad above the letter of the law?
Contrast this with Washington D.C. There, as Michael Kinsley put it — thirteen years ago:
Today’s near-universal and minimally respectable attitude — the rock-bottom, non-negotiable price of admission to polite society and the political debate — is an acceptance of gay people and of open, unapologetic homosexuality as part of American life that would have shocked, if not offended, great liberals of a few decades ago such as Hubert Humphrey.Civil Rights Lightning, Washington Post, December 12, 2004
In other words, bible-believing Christians are no longer acceptable in the America’s capital.
No wonder the GOP Establishment there — notorious for despising its own voters — regards Moore’s arrival with such horror. How will this be received in Georgetown cocktail parties?
Last word on Moore:
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Peter Brimelow is the editor of VDARE.com. His best-selling book, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster, is now available in Kindle format. Follow Peter Brimelow on Twitter.