California Ruling Points Toward The New America
By Sam Francis
[Click here to order Sam Francis' new monograph, Ethnopolitics: Immigration, Race, and the American Political Future]
Well, so much for what passes for "democracy" in the merry old New World Order.
With a flick of their Bics, three federal judges succeeded in smothering ("postponing," in the euphemism favored by the press) the most recent breath of grassroots political wind that was blowing the recall movement in California and the campaigns of 135 candidates for the governorship.
Of course it was not the first time the courts have strangled populist resistance, and unless they are brought under control, it will not be the last.
Not long after the victory of California’s 1994 Proposition 187, which sought to terminate most public services for illegal aliens, the same federal court struck down the popularly passed ballot measure as "unconstitutional." A couple of years before, a court struck down the popular effort by the people of Colorado to amend their own constitution with language that forbade granting homosexuals any special rights.
I omit, for the sake of brevity, the encyclopedia of court decisions, from Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 through any number of rulings on school prayer, abortion, pornography, etc., down to the Supreme Court’s brainless decisions on affirmative action and state laws against sodomy last summer.
The point is clear enough: Whatever beliefs and values the actual people of the United States want their local and state communities to uphold and enforce, whether immigration control, religion, sexual morals, or race relations, the federal judiciary will decide whether they are proper or not.
Whenever voters wish to challenge the way they are being ruled, either by changing laws or recalling elected officials, the judiciary will make certain those wishes are thwarted.
The California decision last week was merely the latest installment of the same message the courts have been transmitting to Americans for generations: Shut up, sit down, and do what you're told.
Unlike most critics of the courts, I do not blame the courts themselves or the judges who run them. I blame the American political class in general and the voters who keep it in office and the judges in power.
Any healthy people would long ago have impeached or actually lynched the judges who hand down these ridiculous, self-interested and outright dangerous rulings or would simply have ignored them, in the same way we ignore harmless cranks who babble about the Lost Continent of Mu or the truth about the assassination of Princess Diana.
But Americans' long tolerance of these stupid, unwanted and harmful court rulings means that judges have no reason whatsoever to stop or correct themselves. The unwillingness of Californians to resist or ignore a ruling that openly thwarts the will of the 900,000 voters who signed the recall petition and pitches into the garbage the $60 million or more being spent on the election means there is probably nothing the courts cannot do and get away with.
Of course the rulings are not merely the random fantasies that roam the fevered brains of the judges and clerks who concoct them. They serve a purpose, which is to destroy the historic American civilization and the people who created it, to lock into power those who wish to advance that destruction and to help build the foundations of the New America that twitters in their mind’s eye like a bat at twilight.
In that New America, the people who count will not be the historic population of the nation, but the "minorities" already well on the way to becoming the "majority." The court’s decision last week was careful to base itself on concern for their interests.
The suit against the recall was launched by the ACLU, along with the NAACP and the Southwest Voters Registration Education Project, a Hispanic lobby, and their main argument, which the court endorsed, was that the voting procedures would in effect discriminate against and "disenfranchise" non-white voters.
But why can’t "voters of color," as the court’s language called those who brought the complaint, cast their ballots like everyone else? Why should electoral laws and procedures be struck down and engineered to suit their preferences and interests? Why are the millions of voters preparing to vote in the scheduled election not being "disenfranchised" by the court’s decision? [Read the decision here]
The answer, of course, is that the country now belongs to or is about to fall into the possession of those "minorities" and the judges, politicians and others in the American ruling class willing and eager to serve them.
Hence, not only the old culture itself and its symbols but also the laws, the institutions, the power must be "adapted" to the new, emerging order.
Americans who remain loyal to the old America tend to think they still live within it.
The first step toward taking it back is for them to understand that that America is no longer at the same address.
[Sam Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist. A selection of his columns, America Extinguished: Mass Immigration And The Disintegration Of American Culture, is now available from Americans For Immigration Control. Click here for Sam Francis' website.]