By Sam Francis
"We're on our way to becoming the first country in history that is literally made up of every part of the world," bubbles Kenneth Prewitt, a former director of the Census Bureau, to Joel Swerdlow in the September issue of National Geographic. The magazine famous for its photo essays about primitive tribes in South America and Africa now no longer needs to go abroad to get its stories. In its survey of J.E.B. Stuart High School in Falls Church, Virginia, it discovers that the primitive tribes have come to us.
The article, focusing on the transformation of the suburban school because of immigration, is in fact thinly disguised propaganda for the multicultural and multiracial "nation" it imagines is being born. When the school opened in 1959, the student body was "virtually all Anglo-American" and in the 1964 yearbook there were 14 students with the surname "Smith." In 2000, "there were only 6 Smiths, and 11 Martinezes and 23 Nguyens," a development Mr. Swerdlow believes is cause for celebration. He never tells us what happened to all the Smiths and why there aren’t so many around anymore.
What he does tell us about is the class he monitored called "Combating Intolerance," a semester-long brainwash in how the old America was a pit of hatred, bigotry and racial and ethnic repression. "Class discussions," Mr. Swerdlow gloats, "cover such topics as hate crimes, Ku Klux Klan violence and why 'No Irish Need Apply' appeared on job posters in cities where Irish immigrants looked for work in the 19th century."
But "combating intolerance" isn’t the only course at J.E.B. Stuart. There are also English courses — for immigrant teenagers unable to read at all, even in their own languages. "About a fifth of the students now are nonliterate in their native language," one teacher says. "That makes it much more difficult for them to learn English." About 59 percent of the school’s students go on to four-year colleges — but "the numbers are much lower for foreign-born students." Neither the teachers nor Mr. Swerdlow ever grasps that the immigrants they gurgle so happily over are in fact a burden that others have to carry. Back when there were 14 Smiths in the senior class, no one worried whether they could read English or could read at all. Maybe that has something to do with why so many Smiths went somewhere else.
Yet another reason may be that folks named Smith don’t much like being taught to hate their own race and people. "'I don’t want to be white,' says a white student from Poland … . Others agree with the Polish-born youth … . To call someone 'white' is an insult, as are synonymous terms like Wonder bread. 'I don’t consider myself white,' says a young woman from Russia. She has white skin. 'Whites act white and do white stuff.'"
"White kids act different," Mr. Swerdlow was told. "They hang out differently. They're smart, do homework on time, run the student government, participate in plays and musicals, sell stuff, have parents who are involved in the school." "When you go to apply for a job," one student whines, "you have to act white." Many white students seem to have bought into the deliberate mental and spiritual destruction that the school inflicts upon them — but not all. As Mr. Swerdlow also notes, "Most white students remain silent during these discussions. 'I won’t apologize for being white,' says one." He won’t last long. The others know that any effort to defend their own race would brand them — and probably their families — as hate-criminals suitable for psycho-therapy. Mr. Swerdlow concludes his little expedition in multiculturalism by informing us, "These are normal American teenagers" who "will change America." It doesn’t seem to occur to him or other open borders cranks that the "changes" they like to chirp about consist precisely of driving out and driving down one culture and heritage, and the race that created it, and the elevation of others.
Apostles of multiculturalism and multiracialism love to gabble about "combating intolerance" and all the other feel-good jabber that allows them to creep into cultural and political power. But behind the jabber is the grim truth that whites are made to feel ashamed of being white and to reject their own identity, and the very traits that enabled white people to conquer the world — like doing your homework on time and running the student government — become habits to be laughed at and shunned. We are not in fact "the first country in history that is literally made up of every part of the world," as Mr. Prewitt claims, but we may well be the first in which one population has surrendered not only its power and its country to another but has even destroyed its own mind and spirit to do so.
September 06, 2001