Call It Treason: Flake-Gutierrez Bill Immigration Insanity And Merger With Mexico

By Juan Mann


The latest nation-destroying amnesty scheme of H.R.1645 — the Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy (STRIVE) Act — was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 22 by Treason Lobby mouthpieces Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL).

But don’t be fooled. This bill is not just about selling-out America to the lowest foreign worker bidder. The end-game of H.R. 1645 is the even more deadly: the sovereignty-eroding Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) plan for regional government.

H.R. 1645 is 697 pages of immigration give-aways including at least seven flavors of amnesties great and small.

Here’s my tally:

  1. Section 401 — new worker program;
  2. Section 624 — rolling amnesty for children under 16 years old;
  3. Section 643 — agricultural workers "blue card" amnesty;
  4. Section 601 — conditional non-immigrant worker program;
  5. Section 722 — illegal relatives of 9/11 victims amnesty;
  6. Section 732 — asylum free-for-all for "persecuted religious minority" applicants;
  7. Section 733 — "forestry" worker addition to the 1986 amnesty.

And there’s an unbelievable aw-shucks-just-give-it-to-'em-anyhow standard of proof for the bill’s main illegal alien amnesty in "Title VI — Legalization of Undocumented Individuals." Section 602(a)(4) — Adjustment of Status for Conditional Nonimmigrants — explains that

"[i]t is the sense of the Congress that the requirement under this section should be interpreted and implemented in a manner that recognizes and takes into account the difficulties encountered by aliens in obtaining evidence of employment due to the undocumented status of the alien."

With that kind of standard, H.R. 1645 is a fraud magnet and an illegal alien-chasing immigration lawyer’s dream.

The Treason Lobby enforcers in the immigration bar stand to make millions.

The bill also has massive bureaucratic expansions, more government grant give-aways to universities and non-profit groups to buy more potential supporters, more boots-on-the-ground federal officers, more government lawyers, greater complexity for more litigation-based deportation, and more sham enforcement provisions and flaccid removal grounds.

And there are the detention-diluting provisions: the " secure alternatives [to detention] program" in Section 177 ("an alien who has been detained may be released under enhanced supervision."); the "less restrictive detention facilities" program of Section 178 ("prison-style uniforms or jumpsuits are not required.")

Yes, H.R. 1645 is all of these things … amnesties and more. But it’s also a "misdirection play".

My advice: keep your eye on the ball … and the ball is called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) plan.

The true horror of H.R. 1645 is that it is the most explicit expression yet of the globalist elite’s ambition to destroy United States sovereignty in favor of a European Union-style subcontinental government, including, of course, marriage with Mexico.

(Think that’s impossible? That’s what citizens of the historic nations of Europe thought too. But look what happened to them.)

The greasy globalist fingerprints of the sovereignty saboteurs are all over H.R. 1645.

For starters, they're moving the border. H.R. 1645 begins with "Title I — Border Enforcement" and "Subtitle C — Southern Border Security".

But upon closer examination, they're referring to Mexico’s southern border! The bill’s Section 121 for "Improving the Security of Mexico’s Southern Border" betrays the true agenda:

"The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary [of Homeland Security], shall work to cooperate with the head of Foreign Affairs Canada and the appropriate officials of the Government of Mexico to establish a program — (1) to assess the specific needs of the countries of Central America in maintaining the security of the international borders of such countries … (4) to encourage the countries of Central America — (A) to control alien smuggling and trafficking; (B) to prevent the use and manufacture of fraudulent travel documents; and (C) to share relevant information with Mexico, Canada, and the United States."

So now the concern is Central America?

Why aren’t we trying to "encourage" Mexico — which happens to be our immediate neighbor — "to control alien smuggling and trafficking…to prevent the use and manufacture of fraudulent travel documents?"

Well, with the SPP (including Mexico) already in play — remember that the second P means "partnership" — globalist elitists don’t intend to worry about what happens on the southwestern U.S. border any more. Witness the south-bound border shift to Central America.

Another step to the forced merger of Mexico, Canada and the United States is the frightening language in H.R. 1645 about studying and "reporting" back to Congress on common identity document standards, common immigration documents, and a common security perimeter among the countries.

The bill’s "Subtitle B — Border Security Plans, Strategies, and Reports" provides in Section 133 for " Reports on improving the exchange of information on North American Security."

Specifically, Section 113(a) authorizes yearly reports to Congress in perpetuity where

"the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies, shall submit to Congress a report on improving the exchange of information related to the security of North America."

Apparently, the decisions apparently already been made to go ahead with common "security clearances and document integrity". The bill merely asks for a report on

"[t]he progress made toward the development of common enrollment, security, technical, and biometric standards for the issuance, authentication, validation, and repudiation of secure documents, including — (A) technical and biometric standards based on best practices and consistent with international standards for the issuance, authentication, validation, and repudiation of travel documents, including — (i) passports; (ii) visas; and (iii) permanent resident cards."

Can a common North American passport be far behind?

Even more radical, H.R. 1645 also intends a common immigration policy for the United States, Canada and Mexico. Thus the common security perimeter envisioned by the SPP plan contains frighteningly vague language in Section 113(b)(3)(E) about

"developing and implementing an immigration security strategy for North America that works toward the development of a common security perimeter by enhancing technical assistance for programs and systems to support advance automated reporting and risk targeting of international passengers."

(What exactly will be the "immigration security strategy for North America?" And will this new regional immigration policy have anything whatsoever to do with the interests of the United States?)

The bill also establishes a goal in Section 113(b)(1)(B) of "working with Canada and Mexico to encourage foreign governments to enact laws to combat alien smuggling and trafficking, and laws to forbid the use and manufacture of fraudulent travel documents and to promote information sharing."

And the bill’s Section 113(b)(3)(C) provides for "exploring methods for Canada, Mexico, and the United States to waive visa requirements for nationals and citizens of the same foreign countries."[My emphasis]

Under this scenario, the three SPP countries could designate more "amigo" countries out of the currently "foreign" countries in the hemisphere and waive visa entry requirements when their nationals cross into the SPP "security perimeter". For instance, if the SPP partners someday want to come up with a plan to waive visa requirements for Guatemalan or Honduran citizens … presto, more instant Central American tourists or uninvited guest workers throughout the U.S.A.!

I've been writing about the SPP since October, 2005.

As I recently pointed out using a quote from Peter Brimelow in American Conservative magazine:

"You can see how enforcing American law at the border must seem like a boring irrelevance if you've decided that the American and Mexican labor forces will shortly be merged anyway. … It’s as good an explanation as any for Bush’s extraordinary systematic refusal to uphold immigration law." [Battle for the Border, by Peter Brimelow, The American Conservative, December 4, 2006.]

The elitist vision of regional North American government through the SPP explains it all. Yes, Virginia Dare, there is a very real agenda for regional government out there…which explains the relentless push for illegal alien amnesty by otherwise apparently rational folk.

What I really would like to know is: how does this SPP-style implementation language gets into these immigration bills anyhow? And who really is pulling the strings of the Congressional puppets here?

Once you're aware that the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America plan exists, and that it continues to move forward without the consent of the American people (that’s the people of America the beautiful, not North America, mind you)…nothing really matters except stopping the SPP in its tracks.

The last time I checked, there is no reference to the "immigration security strategy for North America" in the good old United States Immigration and Nationality Act.

Let’s keep it that way by seeing H.R. 1645 for what it really is…a dagger pointed at the heart of American sovereignty. The people who propose it are traitors. They must be stopped. Period.

Juan Mann is an attorney and the proprietor of He writes a weekly column for and contributes to Michelle Malkin’s Immigration BLOG.

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