Can The Democrats Guard The Golden Door?

By Michelle Malkin


The theme of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night is "A Stronger More Secure America," which will be capped off by a rousing speech from a renowned law-and-order Democrat: Al Sharpton.

No joke.

Here are five other reasons to be afraid, very afraid, of putting a Democratic administration in charge of guarding America’s gates.

1. Ted Kennedy. The senior bloviator from Massachusetts has worked relentlessly since the September 11 attacks to cripple homeland defense. For once, Teresa Heinz-Kerry speaks for me: "Ted Kennedy I don’t trust."

Last January, he secretly attempted to remove funding for the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS) — a Justice Department program that helped nabbed at least 330 known foreign criminals, 15 illegal-alien felons, and three known terrorists who attempted to enter the country.

Last month, he introduced legislation that would gut the PATRIOT Act and radically restructure the immigration court system to protect and strengthen illegal aliens' rights.

He opposes allowing the nation’s 600,000 local and state law enforcement officers to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

And, in proposing that the federal government maintain a new national registry of law-abiding gun purchasers, he has exploited the War on Terrorism to advance his anti-Second Amendment agenda.

If the September 11 attacks were a "failure of imagination" as the 9/11 commission concluded, protecting America requires that we imagine this bone-chilling scenario and do all we can do prevent another disaster: Ted Kennedy, Attorney General of the United States.

2. The American Civil Liberties Union. The organization maintains dangerously absolutist positions against the use of torture to gather intelligence from al Qaeda terrorists, against the designation of enemy combatants apprehended on either foreign or American soil, and against common-sense profiling in wartime. The ACLU joined Sen. Kennedy in opposing the carefully targeted NSEERS program. It sued to stop enactment of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which tightened employment requirements for airport screeners. And under the guise of protecting civil rights, the ACLU supported the infamous wall of separation that handicapped communications between U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies fighting terrorism.

In the nearly three years since the mass murder of 3,000 innocent people on American soil by fanatical Muslim terrorists, there is not a single law or policy that the ACLU has supported that would help prevent a bloody repeat of September 11.

3. The Professional Grievance-Mongers. From the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the collective response of the Diversity Is Our Strength crowd to the War on Terror has been to cry, "Racist!" The ethnic shakedown artists who have sued over every slight and hyped every faked claim of a hate crime are America-bashing enablers of the worst sort — and they are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party.

4. The Open Borders Lobby. Longtime readers know of my dissatisfaction with the Bush administration’s unwillingness to get serious control of our immigration chaos. But if you are unhappy with the lack of progress on securing our land, air, and sea ports of entry, it will only get worse under Kerry-Edwards. Groups such as the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the National Council of La Raza, and the Ford Foundation have protested enforcement, detention, deportation, employer sanctions, and secure identification measures every step of the way.

It is from these ranks that a Democratic administration will draw upon to staff the Justice Department, Department of Transportation, and Department of Homeland Security.


5. First Responder Fetishists. In her convention remarks on Monday night, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton said the first homeland security priority in response to the 9/11 report was the "need to fully equip and train…our first responders in the event of a terrorist attack."

Eager to suck up to men and women in uniform, John Kerry has proposed adding add 100,000 first responders to the ranks of firefighters and emergency medical personnel nationwide.

As I have said before, there is no question that our brave firefighters, cops and emergency personnel need increased training and support — but dialing 911 is not the solution to stopping another 9/11.

And neither is voting the party of the Chicken Little Clean-Up Crew into office.

Michelle Malkin is author of Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s review. Click here for Michelle Malkin’s website.


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