CAPITOL "INSURRECTION" HOAX: How Our Lying Press Would Have Spun Jan 6 Protest If Trump Were A Democrat [VIDEO]
Video and narration by Noah Arnold.
See it, and more, on VDARE-TV. Editor Peter Brimelow was not at the January 6 Patriot protests at the U.S. Capitol, just as he was not at the 2017 Charlottesville Unite The Right Rally (although PayPal cut off anyway).
But afterwards, on January 15, he tweeted:
He was right. We’re going to show here that quite enough video footage exists to make that case.
It’s just that our Lying Press doesn’t want to make it.
Let’s start off by saying that, if Trump were a Democrat, the Lying Media would be pointing out that
Anti-Kavanaugh feminists did it in 2018. And Democrats applauded them.
Hundreds were arrested for invading the Capitol, including comedienne Amy Schumer, a relative of New York Senator Chuck Schumer.
But we can find no reports that anyone was seriously punished — least of all Amy Schumer.
Labor union activists invaded the Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011--and stayed for a month. Again, Democrats applauded them.
You didn’t know about these precedents? That’s because they’re being deliberately suppressed. A search of the media bellwether New York Times reveals no, that’s ZERO, mentions of the Kavanaugh or Wisconsin parallels since January 6.
For that matter,
- there actually was a violent attack on a major federal building very recently — the May 30 attack on the White House — when the secret service had to order the Trump family into the bunker and over 60 Secret Service agents were injured.
Remember that?
But that’s gone down the Lying Press Memory Hole too — only one mention in The New York Times since June 1. And we’re not aware of any mass arrests or serious punishments — certainly nothing like the immense witch-hunt that’s being going on since January 6.
Although you probably don’t know this, it’s very far from clear that Heather Heyer was deliberately killed at the Charlottesville Unite The Right Rally — James Fields appears to have been trying to escape when he drove into the crowd blocking his way.
But it’s absolutely clear that Ashli Babbitt, although an unarmed woman surrounded by security, was deliberately shot by a Capitol Hill cop.
Ashli Babbitt was a decorated veteran and a female business owner. Heyer was an overweight small-time Communist. But it’s Heather Heyer who has been canonized, with a foundation named after her and endless Regime Media adulation, whereas Ashli Babbitt has vanished from the Main Stream Media after a couple of sneering profiles and insinuations about her private life. (Have you heard anything about Heather Heyer’s private life?)
And remember, this is in addition two Trump supporters shot dead during the election campaign — Lee Keltner. in Denver, and Aaron Danielson in Seattle.
And one, Shane Moon was run down in Vancouver WA, absolutely deliberately, by a Leftist driving a truck, sustaining brain injuries. But, in unbelievable contrast to James Fields in Charlottesville, the Leftist was not charged.
- If Trump were a Democrat, the cop who killed Ashli Babbit would have been lynched.
But in fact —
- The killer cop’s name has STILL not been released (why not? Why isn’t the Lying Press asking?)
- He has not been held in custody.
- There are even reports that he will not be charged at all. [No charges recommended for officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during Capitol riot, source says, by Elisha Fieldstadt and Pete Williams, NBC, February 2, 2021]
Contrast that with, for example, the treatment of South Charleston cop Michael Slager, who in 2015 shot a black suspect escaping custody — something that was completely legal in most of the country until banned by yet another disastrous Supreme Court decision quite recently.
Michael Slager’s name was immediately publicized so he could be demonized in the Mainstream Media — denied even funds for his defense by GoFundMe. And he held was in solitary confinement for nine months before the trial, not even allowed to meet with his baby son, born while he was in custody. (His state trial ended in a hung jury, but he was hit with double-jeopardy federal “civil rights” charges, apparently double-crossed on a plea-bargain deal and sentenced to a savage 20 years in prison).
- If Trump were a Democrat, the demonstration would be celebrated as “Mostly Peaceful” — to use the term the Lying Press invented to describe last summer’s deadly Antifa/ BLM riots.
In fact, this demonstration really was Mostly Peaceful.
And, most importantly, it was unarmed.
Get that? This alleged “insurrection” — this alleged “coup d’état” — carried no weapons.
The Capitol Hill police, all too obviously, were armed. (To say nothing of the U.S. Marines down the street at Eighth & I).
Were the protestors supposed to tickle them all to death?
So desperate are Regime prosecutors to smear the Trump protestors as armed and dangerous that they’ve leaked the news that one had an “arsenal” a.k.a. a gun collection…. back home in Tennessee!
If Trump were a Democrat, the demonstration would be celebrated as a multiracial nirvana.
In fact, it was denounced (with obvious co-ordination) as “White Supremacist”
If Trump were a Democrat, co-operation between the police and the protestors would be played up
And what exactly happened when this “violent mob” stormed the Senate and House chambers? They walked in, respecting the ropes at the entrance nonetheless!
And when they entered the Senate chamber?
And when they were asked to leave? THEY LEFT!!
If Trump were a Democrat, we would be hearing more about Antifa/ BLM role in the protest.
Both the video team and our writer J.R. Kipling were present on the Capitol steps — unknown to each other. And both separately reported that there was something unusual about the individuals who actually precipitated the move into the Capitol.
In this video you see journalist Jade Sacker coordinating with a known anarchist and founder of Utah based group “Insurgence USA”, John Sullivan (aka Jayden X) to enter the Capitol. They led a group of patriots on the front lines into the building as Jayden X shouted, "We got to get this sh*t burned," and "It’s our house”. Jayden was later invited onto CNN for an interview with Anderson Cooper, where he sat beside Jade Sacker to give his account of the protest.
In this video, you see Jayden conveniently behind police lines filming the protest from inside the Capitol:
And here you see a small crowd of Antifa walking towards the Capitol on January 6.
ANTIFA at the protest
— Taylor Garms (@TaylorGarms) January 7, 2021
Note carefully: we’re not saying that ALL the Trump protest was entirely an Antifa/ BLM false flag operation.
We’re saying that, if Trump were a Democrat, “agent provocateurs” would be outed and blamed for their role in stoking violence.
We know this because Democrat elected officials shamelessly claimed that “white supremacists” and “right-wing agitators” were responsible for the Antifa/ BLM summer of riots
And this Big Lie has worked. Polls show that some 30% of Americans do believe the Antifa/ BLM riots were the work of “white Supremacists.”
If Trump were a Democrat, his supporters would be celebrated for their role in countering the break-in.’s video team can personally attest to the peaceful nature of the crowd in D.C. on January 6. As we stood on the terrace watching protestors attempt to breach the door to enter the main level of the Capitol building, some nefarious members of the group took to breaking windows.
But this was widely condemned by the crowd.
A man next to our team rushed off of the concrete platform where the team stood to join in on the crowd who would pull the ne'er-do-well away from the window as many shouted “They’re Antifa! We need to get them! People need to know it is not us!” and “Throw him to the cops!”
Add this to news you will not see on CNN today.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 7, 2021
The team also captured a now infamous moment when a police officer was dragged from the doorway on the terrace level of the Capitol into the crowd and beaten. But in this video, you can not only see Trump supporters holding back the man fighting with the cop, but you can hear a crowd chant "Let the cop go!”
Remember, last summer some 7,750 “demonstrations” took place in over 2,000 cities, resulting in 20 deaths directly, an increase in murders in the thousands, and an estimated two billion dollars in damages. (Only 617 were officially called riots, but the media has been lying about this for years.) There were no shootings by law enforcement and virtually all the rioters who were arrested had charges dropped.
Yet still the Left alleged police brutality
Well, in contrast, there actually WAS police brutality at the Capitol.
- It seemed to be the result of an abrupt change in policy. Here’s a protestor saying police worked with them at first to understand the demands of the crowd, only to turn around and deliver entire canisters of mace at point-blank range in their faces.
Omg a woman got shot and died inside the #Capitol building
— Mohammad Alqadi (@ALQadiPAL) January 6, 2021
And this brutality apparently resulted in the deaths of three Trump supporters, who reportedly had “underlying medical conditions?”
When was the last time you heard of protestors dying of “underlying medical conditions” at a demonstration?
It happened here because the police mishandled the demonstration.
Their names were Benjamin Philips, 50, of Ringtown, Pennsylvania; Kevin Greeson, 55, of Athens, Alabama; and Roseanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia.
You’ve not heard those names — because the Regime Media hasn’t been celebrating them or anything about them.
So let’s back up a second here.
You constantly hear that the Capitol Hill protest “left five dead.” You never hear that all five of them were Trump supporters — including even Police officer Brian Sicknick, who died a day later of causes that federal prosecutors admit they can’t tie to the protest. [Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, CNN, February 2, 2021]
Two Capitol Hill police officers, Jeffrey Smith, Howard Liebengood, later committed suicide — something unfortunately epidemic among law enforcement officers and not clearly related to the protest.
- If Trump were a Democrat, pundits and lawmakers would be scrambling to appease the protestors
as they did for BLM — pushing massive legislation to defund police as cities burned and innocents were killed — including police officers.
In this case, what is needed is an inquiry into what actually happened in the 2020 election — and sweeping election reform to prevent whatever fraud there was from happening again.
Here we’ve shown you how the Capitol Hill protest could have been reported differently if our Rulers had wanted that. It would also have been nearer the truth.
But our Rulers don’t want the truth. Since the inauguration of Biden as President, America is witnessing a Communist-style coup. As in Eastern Europe after World War II, the Left aims to criminalize opposition and establish absolute control over the flow of information, with the help of censorship by the Big Tech oligarchs.’s mission is to fight back on behalf of the Historic American Nation. Help us now — while you can.
Peter Brimelow is the editor of His best-selling book, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster, is now available in Kindle format.