Cincinnati: Another Diversity Disaster — More to Come?
By Sam Francis
The Seattle Diversity Disaster
After four straight days of anti-white mayhem in Cincinnati, the national media evidently decided that they could no longer keep their lid on one of the nation’s largest race riots since the 1960s. Therefore, in place of simple suppression, what the nation’s news watchers got was spin — that the oppressed blacks of Cincinnati took to the streets because of a racist white police force that had slaughtered 15 blacks since 1995, "a period when no whites have died at the hands of police," The Washington Post smugly smirked in its first front-page story on the riots.
Presumably, the Post would think it more equitable if the Cincinnati cops just shot down 15 white men at random to make the score more even. After all, what the blacks slain by police had actually done or threatened to do seems to have no connection with whether their being killed by police was justifiable or not. What matters is race, and if the cops kill X number of blacks, then it’s only fair that they also kill X number of whites.
That seems to be the logic not only of the national media but also of the black mobs and their leaders. So far, few have noted that most of the blacks killed by police, by any reasonable moral standard, had it coming. The New York Times had the honesty to publish descriptions of the circumstances in which the 15 black suspects were slain.
In virtually all of them, the killings occurred as acts of self-defense by police officers or as accidents in the course of subduing resisting suspects. In eight of the 15, the suspects were themselves armed and had shot or threatened to shoot at police. In only two (including the most recent death that touched off the riots) were the suspects not engaged in some kind of violent struggle with or resistance to the police. In one, a black 12-year-old was "shot while illegally driving a relative’s car. The officer who tried to stop him was dragged and died." The Times conveniently omitted that the officer in this case was black also. For some reason, no blacks rioted over his death.
Nor do most of the national news stories deal with the whites, mostly women and elderly people, dragged from their cars and beaten by black mobs in the course of the riots. That sort of stuff is not in the spin, you see, and the whole point of the spin is to justify the riots, to discredit the police, to induce guilt and paralyze action among whites, to incite blacks to yet further violence.
Nothing either the city or the federal government did in response to the riots challenged in any respect the dominant media spin. Cincinnati’s white Democratic mayor, who gets himself elected by pandering to black voters, was careful to tell the press that black complaints about the police might be "very legitimate," while Attorney General John Ashcroft, still sedulously trying to prove he’s not a racist, lurched firmly into the laps of the rioters.
The attorney general immediately launched investigations into the Cincinnati police for their racial biases, while the FBI embarked on an inquiry into the death of the black lawbreaker that sparked the riots in the first place. The message from Mr. Ashcroft and the Bush administration was perfectly clear: If you riot, if you attack and assault white women and old people because of their race, if you burn and destroy enough, you will be rewarded. Your complaints will be received as "very legitimate"; the entire power of the federal government will be delivered to you, and those who will be punished will be the white victims of the black mobs and the white police officers whose lives black criminals threaten every day.
The message white Americans have been sent is equally clear: We — the federal government, the presidency, and the Department of Justice — are not on the side of justice, law, and order. We are on the side of lawbreakers, rioters, hate criminals who select their white victims on the basis of race, because we need their votes and we fear being called "racists." What white Americans need to learn from the Cincinnati riots, as from the Seattle riots a few weeks before, is that they no longer have a government. They are now delivered into the state of nature. And it may soon get worse.
Many blacks — including most black political leaders — don’t consider the Bush administration to have been legitimately elected or to be a legitimate government; unemployment is on the rise; and the long hot summer, with possible energy blackouts rolling down through the nation’s over-crowded cities, yawns before us. What the media, the mobs and the Bush administration created last week in Cincinnati may be merely the beginning.
April 19, 2001