Clare Ellis On The “Migrant Crisis” And The Blackening Of Europe
Clare Ellis is a Scottish-born Canadian researcher who earned her doctorate from the University of New Brunswick in 2017. Her thesis advisor was about-to-be Cancelled professor Ricardo Duchesne; the topic was multiculturalism and mass immigration in Europe. In a recent interview she describes the petty chicanery and delaying tactics she had to endure from Leftie administrators and academics before getting her work accepted [The Fate Of Europe: A Conversation With Clare Ellis, Postil Magazine, April 1, 2022]. Arktos Media is bringing out her research as a trilogy entitled The Blackening of Europe. The first volume, subtitled Ideologies and International Developments, came out two years ago; the second, subtitled Immigration, Islam, and the Migrant Crisis, appeared earlier this summer. The whole is amounting to a powerful description of the suicide — actually murder — of a civilization
Islam as preached by Muhammed was both a religion and a politico-military project aimed at world conquest. In its initial phase of expansion, Islam invaded Europe through the Iberian Peninsula in 711 A.D. before being stopped by Charles Martel near Tours, France, in 732. A second advance began when the Ottoman Turks crossed into Europe in 1354, continued through their capture of Constantinople in 1453, and was only finally checked in 1683 at the Gates of Vienna. For more than two centuries thereafter, as the West rose to a position of world leadership, Islam found itself in retreat. As a practical matter, the doctrine of holy war or jihad as a religious duty incumbent upon all Muslims fell into abeyance during this period (without ever being abandoned in theory). By 1920, as Dr. Ellis writes, only four independent Muslim states were left in the world.
The twentieth century, of course, saw the rise of an anti-colonial movement against the West across much of the world. In Muslim lands this movement took the form of rediscovering the doctrine of jihad as formulated and practiced in earlier Islam, but lent new intensity by recent humiliations and a longing for revenge upon the European “infidels.” The revival was spearheaded by the Muslim Brotherhood founded in Egypt in 1928. Founder Hassan al-Banna lamented that “today Muslims are compelled to humble themselves before non-Muslims, and are ruled by unbelievers.” His aim, which he assumed was also God’s will, was to reverse this state of affairs and force the West to submit to Islam.
Muslim migration to Northern and Western Europe is largely a post-WWII phenomenon. West Germany invited Turks in as “guest workers” to help rebuild the country following the war, while the U.K. and France accepted Muslim immigrants from their former colonies. Dr. Ellis records that the Muslim population of Germany rose from 20,513 in 1950 to 4,283,000 in 2010. Over the same sixty-year period, the Muslim population of the U.K. rose from 100,000 to 2.5 million, and that of France from 230,000 to 6.2 million, or around ten percent of the population.
Dr, Ellis shows that, throughout Europe, Muslims are consistently overrepresented in unemployment rates, low educational levels, welfare consumption, violent crime and prison populations. In May 2016 the government of Sweden announced that fewer than 500 of 163,000 asylum seekers who arrived in 2015 had found a job. According to one Swedish economist, it takes new arrivals an average of eight years to integrate into the workforce. Until then, they live at taxpayer expense. In the UK between 1995 and 2011, immigrants received €100 billion more in benefits and services than they paid in taxes, a difference of 14% (those from Eastern Europe actually contribute 4% more than they take out).
Many Muslims consider welfare payments from their “infidel” hosts as no more than their due. Historically, when Muslims conquered new territories, it was the normal practice to subject non-Muslims to a special tax known as the jizya. Welfare payments can accordingly be interpreted as a kind of voluntary jizya anticipating actual political conquest. Anjem Choudary, a radical cleric active in the U.K., is explicit about this:
We take the jizya which is ours anyway. The normal situation is to take money from the kuffar [infidel]. You work, give us the money. Allahu Akhbar [God is great].
In other words, these people are laughing at us.
Everywhere in Europe Muslims have lower levels of completed schooling than the host population, and many new arrivals are illiterate even in their own languages. This will surprise no one familiar with Richard Lynn’s studies of IQ variance across the world. European governments zealously set up job-training programs to “integrate” migrants, but most simply drop out, unable to keep up.
Even when Muslim immigrants do find employment, the problems do not end. Dr. Ellis reports that in France Muslim employees “use their religion to justify theft, embezzlement, and the supply of inside information to criminal gangs.” They also attempt to impose Islamic practices in the workplace, including on non-Muslim coworkers.
Criminality is high among immigrants. In Sweden, e.g., violent crime has risen by a factor of 32 since mass-immigration began in 1975. A German police report from 2014 showed that 40 percent of migrants from the Maghreb region of North Africa committed crimes within one year of arriving in Germany. Crimes against women are especially common, and these often have a jihadist dimension. As Egyptian writer Serenade Chafik explains, Muslim rapists “are manipulating a Middle Eastern concept of honor in which the honor of a family, a tribe or even a nation is found between women’s legs.” In the rapists’ minds, they are destroying the honor not only of the women who are their immediate victims, but of Western countries.
In keeping with their high levels of crime, Muslims are vastly overrepresented in European prisons, which many jihadists see as convenient targets for proselytism. When Fouad Belkacem, leader of the Sharia4Belgium, was sentenced to twelve years in the slammer in 2015 he remarked: “Everyone in prison is against the system. Infidels and Muslims alike. There is work to be done. It will be awesome.” In his case, authorities got the message and have isolated Belkacem from the other prisoners. But many European prisons have become virtual terrorist academies. The German government has attempted to respond with “deradicalization programs” administered by supposedly moderate imams, yet Dr. Ellis reports that “such programs have had little success.”
Polling does not support the idea that most Muslims in Europe are harmless “moderates.” A six-country survey published in 2013 found 75% of European Muslims think there is only one possible interpretation of the Quran which is binding for every Muslim and 65% say that religious rules [Sharia] are more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live. The academics who conducted this survey report that
…while about one in five native [Europeans] can be considered as Islamophobic, the level of phobia against the West among Muslims is much higher still, with 54% believing that the West is out to destroy Islam.
74% of British Muslims would prefer Muslim women to wear the veil; 40% want Sharia implemented in Britain; 36% believe a Muslim who converts to another religion should be punished with death.
Significantly, hardline views are most common among the young: 35% of British Muslims between the ages of 18 and 29 express support for suicide bombings; in France the figure rises to 42%. In such communities, active jihadists easily go undercover and move about “like fish swimming in the sea,” as Mao Tse-Tung would have put it.
The Muslim presence in Europe increased dramatically following the so-called refugee crisis of 2015. Formerly, refugee admissions to Western Europe had been governed by the Dublin regulations stipulating that refugee status must be sought in the first foreign country a refugee enters. This sensible rule was meant to discourage economic migrants from making phony refugee claims in wealthy European countries far from home.
In August 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel unilaterally stopped enforcing the Dublin regulations. Within a few months, between one and two million persons entered the EU, most of them claiming to be refugees from the Syrian Civil War. But it is thought that fewer than half were actually from Syria, with the rest coming from seventy countries stretching from West Africa to Bangladesh. No one really knows for sure; many migrants carry forged passports, while many others deliberately discard all identification in the belief this will be to their advantage.
European news reports on the “refugee” convoys focused attention on women and children, but in fact most arrivals were single men. They travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles across multiple safe third countries in order to reach Germany and other wealthy Northern European countries. EU Commissioner Frans Timmermans acknowledged that 60% or more of these asylum seekers were illegal economic migrants. A Greek government minister estimated that in his hard-hit country the figure was closer to 90%.
Europol, the EU’s law enforcement agency, tried to reassure the public by denying that “terrorist travellers systematically use the flow of refugees to enter Europe unnoticed,” but plenty of evidence indicates otherwise. In September 2015, Lebanon’s Education Minister warned U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron that as many as one in fifty in the migrant convoys could be jihadists or ISIS fighters. ISIS even managed to take over certain smuggling routes, especially via the Libyan coast.
Elite journalists celebrated the invasion as a solution to low native birth rates and a supposed “labor shortage” (even as nearly a quarter of the EU’s economically active population aged 15 to 24 was out of work). In a 2015 New Year’s Eve message, Angela Merkel blandly explained that “countries have always benefitted from successful immigration, both economically and socially,” urging Germans to see asylum seekers as “an opportunity for tomorrow.”
That very same night, some two thousand migrants participated in planned and coordinated attacks on German women in cities across Germany. An estimated 70% of the attackers had been in Germany less than a year.
The worst incidents occurred in Cologne, where New Year’s celebrants had to run a 200-meter gauntlet of aggressive and intoxicated Muslim men outside the central train station. Women had their hair and clothing torn off; they were groped, robbed, beaten and raped. One victim was permanently disfigured. Riot police responded, but were outnumbered and ineffective. Even ambulances got attacked.
The following morning, German police reported that the New Year’s Eve “situation was relaxed, because the police were well-placed at critical locations and showed their presence.” Only a multitude of eyewitness reports uploaded to the internet eventually forced them to admit the truth.
A local Muslim cleric helpfully explained the Islamic point of view on what had transpired: “the events…were the girls own fault, because they were half naked, and wearing perfume.”
Official efforts to palliate the problems caused by Muslim immigration generally start from the assumption that the problem is not Islam itself but something called “radicalization.” At first, such “radicalization” was assumed to be caused by poverty and unemployment, but empirical studies have revealed that Islamic terrorists are recruited from all strata of Muslim societies.
Today, the problem is generally held to be some fault on the part of native Europeans. A certain Peter R. Neumann of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence at King’s College, London, explains that Muslim youth feel abandoned by local authorities, and their anger at this makes them turn to “radicalization.” Others lament that governments are not sponsoring more long-term programs of social work with “disadvantaged communities.” Still others argue that Muslims cannot be integrated without an understanding their culture and languages. Europeans will just have to master Turkish and Arabic!
As Dr. Ellis explains, the reasons for “radicalization” and terrorism should be obvious: 1) Western military intervention in the Muslim world, and 2) belief in Islam as the one true faith destined to conquer the entire world.
The solution is equally obvious: removing Western military forces from the Muslim world, completely halting Muslim immigration, and initiating an aggressive program of repatriation. But no one is awarded funding at any “Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence” for stating the obvious.
The presence of over 20 million Muslims in Western Europe is a self-inflicted wound from which European civilization may never recover. As Dr. Ellis observes:
If this were being done to non-European peoples in their own homelands, there would be an uproar to call it out for what it actually is: dispossession, marginalization, colonization, and even a form of genocide.
Roger Devlin is a contributing editor to The Occidental Quarterly and the author of Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization.