
MICHELLE MALKIN — FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly

By Michelle Malkin


The FBI’s raid on former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate — ever so conveniently timed as the White House occupant’s approval numbers sink, the Swamp prepares to shovel a whopping $5.5 billion in foreign and military aid down the bottomless Ukrainian black hole and the American economy keels over like Biden on a bike — gives us a national teachable moment.

Armies of MAGA supporters who had never previously been engaged in politics are only now beginning to fathom the depths of corruption in the bowels of the (In)Justice Department. Cries of “banana republic,” “Stasi” and “Gestapo” flooded conservative social media channels on Monday night. But a weaponized goon squad of armed and unaccountable Feds Behaving Incorrigibly is nothing new.

Let us count a few of the FBI’s nefarious ways:

”I was paid a visit by the FBI in a Roger Stone kind of take down moment, which is quite uncalled for. You know, if anybody wanted to get a hold of me, they could have picked up the phone and called. I’m very easy to find. But there were literally twenty guys with guns blazing, (and they) broke down my door.”

The Stanford-trained lawyer and Chicago Medical School-trained doctor’s “crime”? Following a crowd that was waved into the Capitol by none other than the Capitol police to deliver a speech on medical freedom that was forced to relocate to National Statuary Hall when chaos broke out. Following the terrifying FBI raid of her family’s home, Gold was sentenced in June to a 60-day prison term and fined $9,500. Her warning to my viewers and me last spring resonates like a clarion trumpet in light of the FBI Mar-a-Lago raid:

”I’m telling you, America, this can happen to you.”

In May, FBI whistleblowers revealed to House Republicans that the agency had created “threat tags” on FBI investigations into parents and local GOP officials ”in almost every region of the country” who publicly opposed school vaccine and mask mandates. Well-versed in the FBI’s information suppression tactics, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit for all FBI records related to the Garland witch-hunt memo, which the attorney general himself testified he crafted after the Biden simps in charge of the National School Boards Association released a letter labeling conservative parents as “domestic terrorists.”

Garland testified that he based his memorandum off of a since-retracted letter from the National School Boards Association that labeled parents as “domestic terrorists.” The National School Boards Association later issued an apology for the letter. No apology has been forthcoming from the DOJ, which refuses to cough up the FBI records sought by Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch attorney Ramona Cotca told me on Tuesday that “the FBI conducted a very narrow search, and it is no surprise that the search did not produce any responsive records. We notified DOJ that Judicial Watch challenges the search and we are waiting to hear if it will undertake a reasonable search or whether we will move to briefing. Our next court filing is due Aug. 26.”

If you ain’t questioning the timing, you ain’t paying attention to the real enemies within.



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