Conservative Students Are The Real Revolutionaries
By Sam Francis
If you wanted to prove that American universities are places where free speech and open discussion prevail, you probably wouldn’t visit the University of Texas at Austin.
There, as the Washington Post reported last week, normal students are fed up with the anti-American, anti-white and anti-conservative dogmas their professors insist on stuffing into their noodles. The students are revolting, and the professors, like any privileged class, don’t much care for it.
The students have formed a group called Young Conservatives of Texas, which, among other wholesome activities, rates the faculty according to the ideological content of their courses and the degree to which the teachers inflict their own opinions on their classes.
It started when, two days after the 9/11 attacks in Washington and New York, one professor decided to tell his students what terrorism really is and who practices it — the United States.
Then there’s the course that dwells on "hatred of conservatism and capitalism," and another "accused of overemphasizing white oppression," and yet another that focuses on "inequalities in American gender, race and class," and on and on.
The student conservative leader, Austin Kinghorn, says he’s heard many "complaints from other conservative students who felt railroaded by liberal professors."
"On racial issues, for instance, liberals had harped on slavery, civil rights violations and ill treatment of blacks to the extent that 'whites feel guilty for breathing air.'"
[Student Group Lists Professors It Considers Too Politicized, By Karin Brulliard, Washington Post, November 24, 2003]
Most of the students who grouse about this kind of propaganda say the opinions are never balanced by opposing views. So they got themselves a little list of professors and evaluated them. It’s available at the group’s website ( and identifies 10 professors for what the Post describes as "using their classrooms to promote personal agendas and 'indoctrinate' students."
The group visits the classes, analyzes the reading lists of the courses, and offers a guide to students as to what they can expect from the instructors the taxpayers have hired to teach their young.
As noted, the instructors don’t like it much.
"If professors are constantly worried about being branded liberal," whimpers the prof who allegedly equated Al Qaeda and the United States (he denies it), "and not just liberal but inappropriately executing their duties, then it’s going to make people a little nervous and there’s a self-censorship effect."
Another mutters that "This is part of a trend of blacklisting us, of making sure that we know we're under surveillance. I do worry that what this is moving towards is some sort of censoring."
Yet another moans, "I’m feeling like anything is possible. That at some point, someone can say, 'We think you're anti-American and we think you should shut up' — that it’s not appropriate to talk about these things."
So far, obviously, that hasn’t happened. But the point is not so much that the students are always right. They're not necessarily, and some of their complaints show no small amount of their own agenda — like fingering one professor for "criticizing American foreign policy and the Bush administration." Some of these kids may just want to hear their own politics instead of somebody else’s.
The larger point is that the professors themselves can’t take the heat. After decades of yelling for "academic freedom" for themselves and denouncing any whisper of restricting their own bottomless civil liberties, it turns out what they really can’t stand is that anyone else exercise any of the same rights — especially if they're on the opposite end.
In fact, the students have done and said absolutely nothing about "censorship" or "blacklisting." They've simply compiled lists of professors who say things the conservatives don’t like.
Students can take the courses or not as they wish, so the jabber about "censorship" and "blacklisting" is as much flapdoodle as everything else these frauds have to contribute.
What the students are really doing is a revolutionary act in itself, a spontaneous and collective demonstration that American universities have become politically entrenched engines for the manufacture of cultural subversion by the elites that have captured them.
Funded by taxpayers and protected by tenure, universities today breed an entire class dedicated to attacking and undermining white, Western, Christian and American identities and values.
Like any elite, they denounce all criticism as "censorship" and "blacklisting." In the new order the elites are building, "liberty" is useful only in so far as it yields power to them.
Their student critics are not only exposing the agendas the eggheads are sneaking into their classes but also forcing the whole egghead class to unmask the power and privilege that keeps it in business.
The professors are probably right to be worried — not about "censorship" but about more and more of the peasants on their plantations waking up to the truth about the fake "education" they're being fed and who’s behind the feeding.
[Sam Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist. A selection of his columns, America Extinguished: Mass Immigration And The Disintegration Of American Culture, is now available from Americans For Immigration Control. Click here for Sam Francis' website. Click here to order his monograph, Ethnopolitics: Immigration, Race, and the American Political Future and here for Glynn Custred’s review.]