A September 8, 2011 AP story reports that
“New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, who has drawn national attention and criticism from immigrant groups for trying to stop undocumented immigrants from getting driver’s licenses, has acknowledged her paternal grandparents came to the U.S. illegally”
Susana Martinez, New Mexico Governor, Admits Paternal Grandparents Were Undocumented Immigrants,
Ho, Ho, Ho! Can “Hypocrite” now be added to the favorite smears of the Southern Poverty Law Center ($PLC to VDARE.com)?
You know, “racist”, “nativist”, “xenophobe”, and the list goes on.
No. As a Democrat, I say that we cannot properly dub this courageous lady governor a hypocrite because of her paternal grandparents’ story.
Governor Martinez, a Republican, is the 31st and current governor of New Mexico, the first female to attain this office in that state. Martinez was born July 14, 1959, which makes her 52 years old.
Now, folks, let’s do the math. Just using typical generational age spreads we can assume her parents, even if they married and produced her at an early age, would now be in their late seventies. Her paternal grandparents might then be assumed to have been born nearly 100 years ago.
So some time in the early 20th Century, Martinez’ grandfather came here illegally. Perhaps he did it when we Americans were experiencing the crisis produced by the first Great Wave of immigration. We resolved it by the legislative cut-off of 1921-4, which served the nation so well until the 1965 disaster, and should be repeated.
Or perhaps he did afterwards, during the 1924-1965 lull, when there was very little immigration — net negative during the Depression. But it was a different time. Either way, mass Mexican immigration — the “Mexodus” — was not a problem them. Now it is. And in any case, if Martinez’ grandfather had been a rapist, would that mean rape is OK?
Now, let’s again do the math. Since 1965 when our immigration laws were dramatically and foolishly changed, over 100 million aliens have arrived in the US, counting their U.S.-born children, American citizens under the current misinterpretation of the 14 Amendment. This is a catastrophic case of “immigration overload”, especially in these times of 9.1% unemployment. An estimated seven million illegal aliens taking jobs which could be filled by American citizens.
In fact, this honorable lady has simply told the facts as she knows them, which to me and I presume to any fair minded person was the right thing to do.
This story has been surfaced by those who want to attack the Governor for her steadfast and sensible stands on illegal and legal immigration.
The AP story reported:
“Martinez has made headlines for her push to repeal a state law that lets undocumented immigrants get a New Mexico driver’s license. She has added the issue to the agenda for a special session on redistricting that opened Tuesday [September 13].
“New Mexico is one of only three states — the others are Washington and Utah — where an undocumented immigrant can get a driver’s license because no proof of citizenship is required.
“In protests this week in Santa Fe, advocates and some religious leaders cited Martinez’s family history as a reason the governor should drop her effort to repeal the driver’s license law.
In other words, the usual enemies of patriotic immigration reform stand, as they always do, against the Rule of Law — which so signally differentiates the USA from failed authoritarian governments around the world!
This story about a brave, Rule of Law-oriented political leader gives us a wonderful opportunity to note that the reform which real reform leaders such as FAIR, CIS, NumbersUSA and VDARE.com espouse now can be comfortably and sensibly embraced.
As President Obama travels around the USA selling his proposed American Jobs Act, we should respectfully ask him to “Do the Math!”. Audience members to whom he speaks should constantly ask him why we continue to import over 1 million aliens here every year on work visas and fail to enforce the existing laws on illegal aliens.
Be sure also to ask why the making permanent of E-verify was not part of his plan to be sure more Americans can find jobs.
Immigration reform should not be constantly turned into an ethnic issue. That this 3rd generation New Mexico governor has the perspicacity and courage to stand on principle, not ethnic cronyism, sets a splendid example for all our elected elites to follow. Thank you, Governor, for doing what you know is right.
Folks, my bet is that this story will have virtually no legs. Telling the truth right off the bat is a practice which many pols wish they had followed — for example (alas!) Bill Clinton.
Susana Martinez had also recommended herself to me by rejecting Texas Governor Rick Perry’s Texas version of the DREAM Act. [Susana Martinez: I Reject Rick Perry’s DREAM Act, By Katie Pavlich,Townhall.com, September 7, 2011]
And she may yet prevail, in the current special session, on driver’s licenses. Arizona State Sen. George Munoz reportedly said recently that he and others might support her:
“Munoz said one sentiment from people in his district had caused him to reconsider his vote.
‘Native Americans believe Hispanics are taking their jobs,’ he said.”
[Against all odds, governor may have gained edge in driver’s license battle, By Milan Simonich, Alamogordo Daily News, September 15, 2011]
That would be good news indeed.