Despite Globalist Intimidation, Japan Moves Ahead With Refugee Restriction Bill
By Federale
See twenty years earlier (2003) by Jared Taylor: The NEW YORK TIMES Says Japan Needs Immigrants. The Japanese Politely Disagree
Globohomo has long been on the warpath against Japan, perhaps the only wealthy nation-state in the First World that has maintained its ethnic, linguistic, and cultural unity by avoiding mass immigration and the ensuing societal collapse that inevitably accompanies it. Whether it is refugees, cheap foreign labor, or family-based immigration, Japan rejects it all and carefully chooses the few immigrants it admits. Japan’s leaders are very cognizant of the power and intent of the globalist Great Replacement occurring in Canada, Australia, Western Europe, and the United States. Japan deals with the nation-killers in its own fashion — not with direct confrontation, but with jiu-jitsu. A recent example of resistance: a bill that tightens restrictions on “refugees,” although it’s been widely reported as doing the opposite.
Perhaps the most infuriating aspect of Globohomo’s war against Japan: its immigration policies differ little from those of any other non-Western country. Most outside of Western Europe and the Anglosphere practice policies akin to that of Japan. Just try and get legal residency in Mexico, Thailand, or either of the Chinas. None allow nation-busting mass immigration. And the few permanent immigrants allowed to enter and reside in those nations are required to work and assimilate or leave.
Thus it is with Japan. And so the mouthpieces of globalism, including the usual “protesters,” are decrying recent legislation that would toughen rules for illegal aliens — “refugees” in Treason Lobby code — and strengthen the deportation powers of Japan’s Immigration Services Agency. Not just annoying foreigners attack Japan. Its English-language press, at least ostensibly Japanese, wants to betray and destroy it. It’s much like the leftist Mainstream Media in the United States. But instead of caving to Globohomo, Japan’s politicians have instead toughened rules and expanded deportation.
Protest campaign targets Japan immigration law reform | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
— @KohNagao (@KohNagao1) May 10, 2023
Good for them!
Of course, Japan’s Lügenpresse has collapsed in tears:
The bill would strengthen measures to deport foreign nationals without a valid status of residence.
Concerns about the bill have been raised both in Japan and abroad, and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and opposition party Nippon Ishin (Japan Innovation Party) have accordingly agreed to start deliberating amendments. Nippon Ishin has made proposals including specifying the responsibility of the Minister of Justice and other officials with regard to the appropriate recognition of refugees. The bill, however, contains many problems and minor adjustments are meaningless.
The proposed amendment would effectively limit people to making a maximum of two applications for refugee status in Japan. From the third application onward, the provision to suspend repatriation while the asylum seeker’s application is being reviewed would no longer apply.
Japan has been reluctant to accept refugees in the first place. Last year, 202 people were granted refugee status — a record high — but the acceptance rate remains extremely low, hovering around 2%. Japan lags far behind the rest of the world in this regard.
Under such circumstances, if applications are restricted, then people who should be protected could be forcibly repatriated.
[Japan’s Bill To Amend Immigration And Refugee Law Needs Overhaul, Mainichi, April 24, 2023]
As the smoldering Julie London used to sing, “cry me a river!”
The words “concerns” and “refugees” in the same story can only mean one thing: Globohomo does not approve. In this case, it dislikes Japan’s refugee and asylum policies. Well, again, boo hoo.
Japan uses various tactics to discourage asylum claims, such as detention and prohibiting employment by asylum applicants. Here’s how strict the asylum policy is: Even Ukrainians fleeing the Globohomo war to wreck Russia received only temporary asylum [Niggardly Japan; Evacuees, Refugees, And Public Face, Federale, September 20, 2022]. Indeed, they don’t even meet the more generous definition of refugees in this country [Don’t Call Ukrainians Refugees, Because They Aren’t, April 13, 2022].
Unsurprisingly, Globohomo disapproves and wants that changed, and it’s particularly exercised about work permits and detaining asylees.
People subject to deportation orders are not allowed to work, even if supervisory measures apply to them. And there are penalties for violations. It is difficult for them to make a living by themselves.
The Immigration Services Agency has the say over whether a person is detained or subject to supervisory measures. A system will be established to consider every three months whether detention should continue, but doubts about the objectivity of this system remain.
Maybe Japan has learned something from watching the United States, which no longer detains asylum applicants and indeed permits them to work, which has resulted in millions of bogus asylum claims. Another result: the Zerg Rush at the southwest border.
So Globohomo busted the U.S. border, but not Japan’s. And not for lack of trying. Its obsession with opening Japan’s border cannot and must not be underestimated. In the span of a few weeks, the Mainichi — the English-language version of a major Japanese daily newspaper — published a series of editorials and articles, almost all of which were the typical “the-world-is-watching” attempt to shame politicians into betraying their nation.
“By global standards, Japan remains extremely hesitant to grant people refugee status,” an editorial fretted after a committee in the House of Representatives passed the bill. “If it restricts applications without amending this stance, it could end up forcing people it should protect to return to dangerous places” [Bill to revise Japan’s immigration law fails to confront problems, May 2, 2023].
Even worse, the editorial noted, the legislation steps backward from what Globohomo demands. Instead of relief for “refugees,” Japan might deport them even before their asylum claims are adjudicated.
The bill is designed to thoroughly ensure that foreigners without a valid status of residence in Japan are sent back to their countries. It would allow Japan to forcibly deport people seeking refugee status in Japan once they have filed a third application, even if their case is still under review.
The United States should do likewise!
Another lament in March opened with a rhetorical question meant to shame the nation’s Japan-First leaders:
Has the Japanese government forgotten that it has been lambasted both domestically and internationally for its profusion of human rights problems?
[Immigration bill shows Japan gov’t has learned nothing about human rights, March 10, 2023]
Along with its “news” coverage of legislation, as another reason to scrap the new law Mainichi offered the lachrymose tale of a Sri Lankan illegal who died in detention [Late Sri Lankan’s kin decry Japan Diet panel’s passage of immigration law revisions, April 29, 2023].
None of this is to say that Japan has been unalterably intransigent. It opened nine employment types to renewable and long-term but temporary visas. They require one to remain employed while in Japan, and if such a worker quits, retires, or is fired, he must leave:
The number of sectors covered by the Type 2 status, which allows workers to stay indefinitely, will be increased to 11 from the current two. New additions include the accommodation, agriculture and food service industries.
[Japan Plans To Expand Scope Of Long-Term Foreign Worker Program, Japan Times, April 24, 2023]
As well, Globohomo prevailed on a visa dispute that involved, unsurprisingly, “gay marriage”:
Japan has granted a long-term visa to an American man who married his same-sex Japanese partner in the United States, in what his representative called on Monday a “breakthrough” move in a country that does not recognize same-sex marriage…
Last September, the Tokyo District Court said High should be granted the visa as the current system, which differentiates treatment depending on whether a partner is Japanese, was “not based on logic and violates the Constitution, which guarantees equality under the law.”
However, it also upheld the denial of a long-term residence visa and dismissed claims for damages on grounds that Japan does not recognize same-sex marriages.
[Japan Grants Long-Term Visa To U.S. Man In Same-Sex Marriage With Japanese National, Japan Times, March 13, 2023]
So those are two small victories for Globohomo, which will not accept defeat and will come back at Japan again and again.
Patriots understandably worry that Japan will submit to Globohomo and open its borders. My prediction: While the still ethnically and culturally homogenous nation pays public lip service to refugees, diversity, or any other leftist cause du jour, it will use rhetorical jiu-jitsu to avoid actually doing anything. Lying to barbarians is something at which the Japanese excel [Japan Opens To Diversity, Mass Immigration, Or Does It?, Federale, February 8, 2021].
The Japanese have a fight on their hands. One must pray they resist and defeat the Globohomo.
Its latest campaign is all the more reason to Expel The Barbarian!
The blogger Federale is a 4th generation Californian and a veteran of federal law enforcement, including service in the legacy Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Department of Homeland Security, and other federal law enforcement agencies.