Do Reconquistas Already Run Federal Immigration Bureaucracy?

By Juan Mann


An estimated 500,000 reconquistas took to the streets in Los Angeles over the past weekend to demand illegal alien amnesty. There were over 30,000 people in Denver, and more in other American cities….cities that are currently American, that is.

But the fantasy world inhabited by the federal immigration bureaucracy — which would be charged with enforcing any "guest worker" amnesty scam — still knows no limits.

Through its Office of Communications [OoC], DHS' U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [CIS] division has just (March 26) chosen to alert its employees in its Daily News e-mail broadcast that a "wave of anti-immigration sentiment is building throughout the state [of Colorado] … [c]learly there is a need to highlight the positive aspects of legal immigration."

To combat this "wave of anti-immigration sentiment", the CIS announced that the Denver District Office, in cooperation with the Office of Citizenship’s "Community Liaison Officers" [Community Liaison Officers] has launched "a new initiative that embraces the rich diversity of culture that now exists in Colorado."

What a relief. So this is the tally:

CIS made the glad news its lead news item for the day. Here’s the thing in full:

"Embracing Diversity: U.S. CIS and OoC Program Developed in the Denver District.

"The Denver District Office, in cooperation with the Office of Citizenship CLOs, has launched a new initiative that embraces the rich diversity of culture that now exists in Colorado. The district has specifically reached out to community and business leaders, immigrants with unique success stories, educators, media personalities, and elected officials to serve as speakers at local citizenship ceremonies. The goal is to not only enhance understanding of the agency’s mission, but also to develop new partners in the community. Truly, one door opens another and the initial results of this new project indicate long-term success.

"Why: Just this week, ten immigration proposals will be debated in the Colorado legislature. A wave of anti-immigration sentiment is building throughout the state. Clearly there is a need to highlight the positive aspects of legal immigration.

"Colorado’s communities are experiencing growing immigrant populations, and the diversity itself is shifting. At the annual Citizenship Day ceremony in downtown Denver, there are usually at least ninety-five different nationalities represented.

"When people in mainstream communities interact with immigrants in naturalization settings, it is most often a positive and educational [JM: i.e. indoctrination] experience for everyone involved. Bringing in speakers from all parts of the community and holding ceremonies in the community help to build positive relationships and ease ethnic tensions. [JM: i.e. intimidate the American majority]

"How: The project seeks to actively engage the Community Liaison Officer in naturalization ceremonies. Speakers are selected for their concern or involvement with immigrants, and themselves represent a cross section of Colorado’s diverse community.

"When: The project was launched in February 2006 and will continue through the remainder of the fiscal year.

"Early results: Three U.S. House representatives have agreed to speak at upcoming ceremonies. [JM: anyone know who they are?] They believe such positive, public functions will help ease new ethnic tensions through understanding and compassion. OoC activities/presentations have fostered awareness and helped dispel myths, calm [JM: i.e. suppress] debates and dissolve racial/ethnic tensions. They are bringing diverse people together to work toward common goals, while highlighting civic integration at its best."

"According to the Office of Immigration Statistics, the diversity of the permanent residents that immigrated to Colorado in 2004 changed considerably since 2003. Five of the top twenty listed countries, including China and Mexico, had dropped in numbers. Eleven of the top twenty countries increased, three of which were not in the top twenty the year before."

And as if the diversity-speak wasn’t brought to enough of a fever pitch already, the employee e-mail broadcast also included a link to the ABC Television Network story: "How My Husband’s Boyfriend Got His Green Card — Cheating, Marriage, and Desperate Love for the United States," March 21, by Lara Setrakian.

Not only is the federal bureaucracy interfering in the political process — why shouldn’t Colorado legislators be allowed to consider "immigration proposals"? — but it apparently finds nothing wrong in law breaking through marriage fraud.

This is the same CIS, remember, whose continuing institutionalized disregard of immigration benefit fraud has been exposed by the government’s own General Accountability Office (GAO) in devastating reports in 2002 and 2004 and 2006.

The Treason Lobby itself couldn’t have scripted the item any better.

Or maybe it did. Contact and ask.

Be prepared to speak Spanish.

Juan Mann is an attorney and the proprietor of He writes a weekly column for and contributes to Michelle Malkin’s Immigration BLOG.

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