Illegals Working For State Of Georgia?
By D.A. King
Special Agent Peter Delsandro
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Department of Homeland Security
1691 Phoenix Blvd # 250
Atlanta, Georgia 30349
770 994 4200
Special Agent Delsandro,
As per our phone conversations of the last two days, I write to report that I have credible knowledge of possible violation of U.S. immigration law. Again.
Specifically, USC Title 8, section 1324.
I am aware that this is a seldom-enforced federal law. But its violation is a felony. And it applies to state and local governments as well as individuals.
According to two different reports by the Atlanta Journal Constitution [AJC] newspaper, it appears likely that the state of Georgia — Department of Transportation [Contact info: No. 2 Capitol Square, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30334 (404) 656-5267 Office (404) 463-6336 Fax] — is contracting with at least one company that is recruiting and hiring illegal aliens.
The contractor in question is Chauncey Tree Planting of Hahira, Georgia. [Contact info: 7012 Simpson Rd, Hahira, GA 31632 — owner Quincey Chauncey. Phone: 912-794-2826 Fax: 912- 794-5218.]
Neither of the employees has been publicly named as I write.
I attach copies of the two reports published to date in the AJC.
- Highway worker hit by truck, killed, by Saeed Ahmed The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 20/05
- I-20 death, injury under investigation, by Nancy Badertscher, Janet Frankston The Atlanta Journal-Constitution July 21, 2005
I also draw your attention to the fact that Chauncey Tree Service is listed on the website of the Georgia Forestry Commission as a contractor for that state entity.
As someone who studies the national crisis created by our un-secured borders and un-enforced immigration laws, I fully understand that your agency is not provided adequate funding or manpower at this time to investigate every possible violation of USC Title 8, 1324.
However, it is my fervent hope and appeal that you will invest some effort into investigating this particular case, and if warranted, recommend to the U.S. Attorney that all suspects, no matter their position, be prosecuted as the law demands.
It is my observation that if we have reached the point at which the state of Georgia is allowed to use illegal labor — and go unpunished — we may have lost the rule of law entirely.
I further request that you forward to the IRS any information you discover that might indicate any violation of U.S. tax law.
It is my opinion, one shared by many Americans whom you have sworn to protect, that particularly in a War on Terror, our safety and homeland security are seriously threatened by the current lack of immigration law enforcement by your agency.
Please be advised that I have nothing but respect and gratitude for you and your fellow Special Agents and empathy for the position in which the politicians in Washington have placed you.
D.A. King
U.S. Citizen
Marietta, Ga. 30066
[Note to readers: Sonny Perdue, Governor of Georgia, can be contacted here and here 404 656 1776]
D.A. King is president of The Dustin Inman Society and proprietor of The American Resistance. He is the proud owner of not one but two fake Mexican Matricula Consulars.