Marching Through Arizona: A Georgian on the Border

By D.A. King


[Recently by D.A. King: Americans Resist in Atlanta — Big Media AWOL, Of Course]

I went to see for myself.

I traveled to Cochise County, Arizona last month. I watched future "guest-workers" walk over our border with Mexico. I saw many groups of 8-10 "willing workers" walking north on the roads of Cochise County on their way to take the "jobs that Americans won’t do" — jobs offered by criminal "willing employers" who contribute millions of dollars in political campaign funds.

I wish that all Americans could see what I have seen.

This wide-eyed citizen of Georgia spent three days in the area where the large majority of the illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico, "just looking for a better life", actually enter our country. The "Ground Zero" of the ongoing invasion. They were not "in the shadows," dear reader. They come over our border on foot, in small groups, in large groups and in cars, trucks, and vans. They come in the morning and at night and in the rain and in the sunshine. They come in a constant and determined wave.

They come because they can.

They come and sleep in culverts yards away from school bus stops and they leave behind an amount of trash that must be seen to be believed. This lawless migrating horde cuts fences, damages and destroys American citizen’s land and property and kills livestock. They threaten women and children — American women and children.

Watching the invasion of your country for the first time is a difficult experience to process. The very first urge is to exclaim — "Hey, they can’t do that!" But you do not — because they are.

For me, while standing a few feet away from group after group, the impulse to reach out and personally deport these Third World invaders was nearly uncontrollable.

Well that I did find that control. Illegals have repeatedly laid false charges against anyone who makes a citizen’s arrest. And US law enforcement tends to take their side.

I was very fortunate to have toured the border area with Mr. Richard Humphries, a retired law enforcement officer and Cochise County resident, as kind host and guide. I was proud to be in a group that included California resident Bill King (no relation, but that was my Dad’s name), a retired Border Patrol sector chief, and Mr. Terry Anderson, the well- known [and one of my favorite people] radio show host from South Central Los Angeles. Bill King administered the 1986 amnesty for the then INS, Western Region.

I have great respect and admiration for these three great Americans, and I will never forget the experience. I am proud to call these men friends. Would that there were more like them.

Four "immigration reformers" (I prefer "patriot — crime fighters") in a Chevrolet Suburban all day on the U.S. Mexican border tend to share their views and stories on the illegal immigration crisis. The conversation was constant, lively and entertaining.

As our group approached the ten-foot tall border fence at Naco, Arizona, U.S.A. — much of our border with Mexico is one or two strands of barbed wire — one of our group observed that the President of Mexico was as much or more of a threat to the security and sovereignty of these United States as Saddam Hussein ever was.

The agreement was unanimous and immediate.

We observed that Fox successfully marches millions of his citizens into our nation every year. We agreed that our nation was being forever altered and diminished as a direct result of this undeclared act of war. None of us could recall a time in our history when our grandfathers allowed their America to be invaded and colonized.

None could imagine our grandfathers standing by while the nation that they built was Balkanized and divided, while those sworn to protect the nation’s future openly assisted in the conquest of our homeland.

None of us could make any sense of the fact that more people are walking over the nearby border now than were on September 11, 2001.

Were our conversation to be overheard by or reported to Utah Congressman Chris Cannon, I wonder now if we would be questioned about with whom we had lunch, and from where we obtained the funds to travel to Arizona.

I can assure the reader that our patriotic group would have a few questions of our own for Congressman Cannon. One would begin with the words: "At long last sir, have you no shame…?"

That Sunday, while waiting in line at the Tucson airport to be searched and to have my bags x-rayed before boarding my flight home to Atlanta — in what is rapidly becoming "Georgiafornia" — it occurred to me that the President of Mexico does not in fact represent the immediate threat to the sovereignty of the nation that I love.

It would seem that distinction should go to the person who allows the ongoing invasion of my country.

Maybe we had the wrong president in mind.

D.A. King [email him] is an active member of Georgians For Immigration Reduction and proprietor of

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