The Fulford File, By James Fulford | Britons" — Part Two; etc.
"Britons" — Part Two; etc.
A while back I did a story about an Islamic terrorist in Israel who held a British passport, and who the press referred to as a "Briton." I called it "Glory in the Name of Briton," a phrase from George III’s speech on ascending the throne. (Remember George III?)"Britons" are in the news again. The New York Times reports that a British subject has been arrested for trying to sell terrorist weapons to be used on American soil. [U.S. Holds Briton on Missile Charge, By David Johnston and Philip Shenon, NYT, August 12, 2003]
In fact, the main suspect is "Hemant Lakhani, a British citizen of Indian origin" according to MSNBC, which helpfully had a newspaper artist draw a picture of Mr. Lakhani.
The surname Lakhani can be either Hindu or Muslim. But MSNBC doesn’t say, of course.
It’s good that the United States and Britain are allies. But what kind of alliance is possible with "Britain"?
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Bush Backs Bad Bill
On Monday, we posted The Arizona Amnesty Bill — Two Disasters In One! in which Juan Mann reported on the horrible new stealth-amnesty bill put up by some Arizona Republicans.Juan concluded:
"No word yet on where the Bush Administration stands. Let’s be hopeful, but watchful."
A watchful Arizona reader instantly sent us this breaking news:
"The president was enthusiastic about the bill," said Kolbe. "He is supportive and told us to take the legislation up with his staff."
The controversial guest-worker proposal would allow millions of foreigners — including illegal immigrants already in the United States — to live and work here with temporary visas.
Kolbe, McCain and the other sponsor, Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., say the bill would reduce migrant deaths on the U.S.-Arizona border, fill needs for low-skilled labor nationwide and improve national security.
[Bush says he supports Kolbe-McCain-Flake immigrant worker bill Aug. 11, 2003, David Pittman, Tucson Citizen].
Now we're just watchful.
Reference the above piece using this permanent URL: /articles/the-fulford-file-by-james-fulford-104#bush
American Flight
In his latest column The real voting, Thomas Sowell says that Americans in California are voting with their feet against immigration."The latest census data show — for the first time — that more Californians have been moving to other states than people in other states have been moving to California. Between 1995 and 2000, California had a net loss of more than 600,000 people to other states. People are voting with their feet.
"California’s total population has not gone down, however. Immigrants have replaced Americans. Apparently California is still considered to be preferable to Mexico or Central America."
This has been a theme for some time. But while immigration is most noticeable near the borders and the East and West coast, there’s nowhere in the US you can go, from Colorado to Iowa to rural Michigan, that won’t be affected by mass immigration.
Reference the above piece using this permanent URL: /articles/the-fulford-file-by-james-fulford-104#flight
Rico, Rico, Rico
The Center for Immigration Studies has a new Backgrounder on the use of RICO legislation against employers of illegal immigrants:" RICO: A New Tool for Immigration Law Enforcement" August 2003,By Micah King (of FILE) [Click here to read it in HTML or PDF.] it covers the lawsuits initiated by Howard Foster, on which we've reported here before. [see Psst! Wanna Join A Class Action Suit Against Employers of Illegal Immigrants? And TODAY’s LETTER: Howard Foster Reports A Victory Against Illegals' Employers]For those people, especially those people on the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal, who don’t understand how RICO laws can be used in fighting illegal immigration, I offer my short form explanation of the legal issue from Illegals' Employers Meet RICO Doomsday Machine:
RICO is a brutal weapon. It has been misused in the past, for example to attack political dissent.
But these suits are legitimate:
A crime has been committed. If Tyson is guilty, they've violated the Immigration and Nationality Act in order to make money. The technical name for this is "enterprise crime" and of course, it’s "Organized Crime" even if they don’t have guns.
Tyson made money from it. Tyson has 120,000 employees. (Every dollar an hour that they can lower their average wages is worth roughly a quarter of a billion dollars annually.)
American workers lost money. (See above.)
They're suing.
We at wish them luck.
We still do.
Reference the above piece using this permanent URL: /articles/the-fulford-file-by-james-fulford-104#rico