Memo From Middle America (Formerly Known As Memo From Mexico) | Mexican Meddler Maus Fights Immigration Sanity In Georgia
By Allan Wall
Since our federal government is, generally speaking, on the wrong side of the illegal immigration issue, state legislatures have become the front line. The prime example, of course: Arizona’s SB 1070.
The advantage of fighting these battles at the state level is that there are 50 states — the patriotic immigration reform movement can be fighting in many states simultaneously. Even when it loses, it is educating the public.
Nowadays, some of the most hard-hitting legislative proposals are coming out of the Old South — in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. [Southern Lawmakers Focus on Illegal Immigrants, By Kim Severson, New York Times, March 25, 2011]
In the state of Georgia, two simultaneous (though not too compatible) proposals have passed: SB40 in the state Senate and HB 87 in the House.
Of course, the Treason Lobby is monitoring the situation. Recently, a massive demonstration was held in Atlanta to protest these measures. As reported by the local media:
"The streets surrounding the State Capitol were jammed with protestors Thursday afternoon, rallying for immigration rights. Washington and Mitchell streets and MLK Drive were shut down to handle the foot traffic near the Capitol. Upwards of 3,000 people [5,000 according to the video] standing outside aimed their shouts of ’si se puede! Yes we can!' at Gov. Nathan Deal and lawmakers who support House Bill 87 and Senate Bill 40, which many consider to be Arizona-like immigration bills. "
(The protesters, of course, believe that "Arizona-like immigration bills" are bad.)
The article also quotes one of the participants in the protest, and it’s somebody we've met before on
"Teodoro Maus, president of the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, called the legislation racist.
"'You lose all civil rights, all human rights, all constitutional rights. Everything goes out the window,' Maus said. 'Human beings are not illegal.' "
(Downtown: Thousands Rally for Immigration Rights at Capitol 11Alive.Com, March 24, 2011)
Teodoro Maus is a former consul general in Atlanta. Which means he is a Mexican citizen — meddling in American immigration policy. Of course, being a former Mexican diplomat means he has plenty of experience meddling.
As I wrote in a previous article:
"From 1989 to 2001, with a brief hiatus, Maus was consul general at Atlanta, responsible for Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina. But Consul Maus functioned more like a colonial governor than the diplomatic representative of a foreign nation.
"In 1995, Consul Maus criticized the declaration of English as the official language of Georgia. Later he demanded and received an apology from a radio talk show host who had suggested machine guns and guard towers be placed on the border.
"In 1996, Maus joined with local Hispanic activists and turned his guns on Norman Bingham, Cobb County Board of Education Chairman. Bingham, you see, had the temerity to exercise his First Amendment free speech rights in Maus' fiefdom, by stating that Latino construction workers were 'uneducated' and 'probably illegal aliens'. After demanding Bingham’s ouster, Maus allowed the chairman to retain his position, after of course recanting and issuing a two-page apology. That same year Maus attacked a Smyrna, Georgia law requiring all commercial signs be in English.
"In 1999, Maus agitated for the issuance of drivers' licenses to illegal aliens, but in this case the Georgia legislature failed to carry out the consul’s edict. That same year, on a Spanish-language radio station, Consul Maus ordered local Hispanics to punish Georgia companies which, in Maus´ view, 'mistreat or ignore Hispanic customers'.
"After stepping down as Consul General, Maus stayed in the U.S. as a private consultant and then president of the Mexican-American Business Chamber. Now Maus is slated to move to Washington as the Mexican government’s liaison on environmental affairs. So you will be hearing more of him."
Gringo Meddlers Expelled From Mexico! (Now What About Mexican Meddlers Here?)
Sure enough, as I feared, we've been hearing more of Maus.
From 2002 to 2005 Maus was at the Mexican embassy in Washington, D.C.
Afterwards, he returned to Atlanta, where he now furthers the cause of Mexican conquest as a private Mexican citizen activist.
Also, since 2001, he’s been a director of El Banco Financial Corporation.
As the report above mentions, Maus is now president of an outfit called Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR). You can browse the group’s website here.
The organization has also launched a one-month boycott of Wal-Mart on the grounds that the corporation has not been calling for a migratory reform (amnesty) nor has it displayed the "political will"(voluntad political) to stop the anti-immigrant attack! It was also reported that Wal-Mart let immigration agents into a store. Of course, the Treason Lobbyists wouldn’t like that at all!
And to think that I have criticized Wal-mart for selling anti-American reconquista music by Los Tigres del Norte !
Maus´s U.S.-based organization promotes the "Latino Vote" — telling Latinos in an article (in Spanish) that
"For the 'Latino Vote' to be effective, two principal conditions are required:
That the great majority of Latinos ciudadanos estadounidenses [literally Latino Citizens United-Stateseans — used here instead of "American citizens"] have registered to vote, and that they vote.
That the vote be for — or against — the candidate that will most affect, positively or negatively, the community
"Analyses of the 'Latino Vote' show that many Latinos that have been able to ascend economically either do not vote, or vote for the candidate that offers greater economic, financial or legislative benefits to the middle class."
[. ¡Di No al Abstencionismo! Say No To Abstention, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, October, 2010]
The goal, you see, is not for immigrants to assimilate into the middle class, and "vote like Americans" as Steve Sailer put it, but to vote as an ethnic bloc.
Nor was this Maus’s first foray into public demonstrations. In 2006 Maus was an organizer of the March 24 "Georgia Boycott" in which tens of thousands of Hispanics protested a Georgia bill passed by the House by not showing up for work, and several hundred protested at the capitol. He also helped organize a march in Atlanta on October 7 of that year.
In 2007, Maus’s GLAHR organized a public "Vigil for Comprehensive Immigration Reform" in Atlanta which drew thousands.
In 2009, Maus organized a rally against the 287(g) program
In 2010, GLAHR was pushing for the Dream Act.
Here’s an Atlanta TV exchange between Teodoro Maus and anti-immigration activist D.A. King, from January of 2011.
Teodoro Maus is a Mexican citizen — a former Mexican diplomat — who is openly meddling in U.S. immigration policy!
In his own country of Mexico, this absolutely would not be permitted. In Mexico, foreigners are not allowed to get involved in Mexican politics. Americans who merely participate in protest marches (and not even as leaders like Maus) have been unceremoniously booted out of the country.
So why do Americans put up with this? If we followed the Mexican example, Teodoro Maus would have been expelled years ago.
As for the legislation which provoked the most recent demonstration, on March 28 there was a possible breakthrough. According to D.A. King, the Georgia House’s HB 87 was "the most well-written illegal immigration enforcement bill…" while SB 40, the Senate version, was "One of the most poorly written pieces of legislation I have ever seen go to the Senate floor…"
But, on the 28, reports King,
"….in a very unusual and determined move, the House Judiciary (non-civil) committee took about five minutes to substitute the language of HB 87 into SB 40 and passed it out to the House Rules committee. This was a very bold move … Right now, both SB 40 and HB 87 have the same language, including the E-Verify requirement. When the full House votes to pass SB 40 and sends it back to the senate, the senate can simply vote yes and the legislation will go to the governor for his signature…."
[Great Progress/Great Courage!/House Committee Throws SB 40 Language Out! D.A. King, The Dustin Inman Society Blog, March 28, 2011]
On April 5, D.A. King reports that things aren’t going so well now, legislation may be watered down or not pass. See King’s report here. You can take action, especially if you are a Georgian. The blog itself can be consulted for updates.
This law, if it takes effect, would be good for Georgia. It would be a great example to other states.
And it would be a major defeat for Teodoro Maus and the many other Mexican agitators who so brazenly meddle in what ought to be our own immigration policy.
American citizen Allan Wall recently moved back to the U.S.A. after many years residing in Mexico. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.