Mexicanizing Martin Luther King
By Terry Graham
It’s no surprise that Argentinean immigrant, professional Latino hustler and columnist Francisco Miraval calls the Mexican national who assaulted me at First Data/Western Union’s Immigration Forum last July in Denver the Latina "Martin Luther King."
Miraval’s column, which credits my attacker with launching a Civil Rights Movement for Latino immigrants, appeared in Spanish-language newspapers nationwide.
As we mark King’s birthday — whatever your opinion of him — Americans of all colors reflect upon the history of black slaves, their descendants and the Civil Rights movement.
But we must also repudiate the campaign by open-borders traitors to hijack that history and its icons to advance their self-serving agendas — often on the backs of African-Americans.
As a white American whose ancestors arrived in 1640, I reject the "Latina" Martin Luther King con by immigrant spokestypes such as Miraval who claim that I owe foreign "people of color" anything.
I admit to being stupefied by Black Americans who help these interlopers usurp Black history and hard-won citizenship, given the overwhelming evidence that massive third-world immigration has harmed Blacks terribly.
Perhaps the most twisted example of Black American identity theft by open-borders opportunists: the outrageous misapplication of the long-irrelevant 14th Amendment. Passed in 1866, this Amendment granted former slaves automatic US citizenship, with full rights and privileges. The 14th Amendment was truly written in the blood of Americans of all colors.
Yet today, 14th Amendment Citizenship is gained simply by being born here — even if your mother is here illegally.
This flagrant distortion of law forces me to conclude that until Congress grows a backbone, illegal aliens who test positive for pregnancy should be immediately deported. (Beware the emerging claim that because pregnant illegals "are carrying American Citizen babies," they have a right to public healthcare.)
Black children suffer as the floodgates to our country remain open — most significantly in their access to quality education.
And when Ezola Foster, a Black American educator, decried losses to Black students as scarce public school funds were diverted to illegal and 14th Amendment "New American" students, she was beaten up by coworkers who didn’t like her criticizing the Mexicanization of our schools.
I won’t forget the Black teacher who told me she lost her job with San Francisco public schools because she didn’t speak the language of immigrant students and no positions were available for English-speaking teachers.
Or the Black disabled father from Oakland who sued when his young son was forced into foreign-language public school classes because no seats were available in English-speaking classrooms.
And lost. In America.
Do these situations fulfill the letter and spirit of the 14th Amendment? What would MLK say?
The so-called Immigrants Freedom Ride last September, featuring illegal Mexican marauders bussing to Washington, DC to demand their "rights," was another total rip-off of the '60s civil rights and its "Freedom Ride."
While Mexican flags waved in Denver’s St. Joseph’s Church, American flags were stomped on in a perverse Mexican hat dance. The scofflaws who entered the church from the bus called themselves "Freedom Riders," stealing the names of real activists in the 1960s.
Where was Bush? Where was Jesse? Where was ICE? Google "Freedom Ride" and you'll find Mexican impostors are displacing, erasing, and replacing its place in American Black history, struggles, and successes.
The celebration to welcome these Freeloader Riders to Denver was sponsored by at least one panelist at the "Immigration Forum" where I was attacked. Lisa Duran, of Derechos Por Todos (Right For All People) appeared in the event’s handout as the contact to lobby for driver’s license for illegals and to block cooperation between the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and local police. That handout states:
"Frightening national and statewide efforts to connect law enforcement to immigration enforcement must be stopped. This campaign will work to promote civil liberties and to protect immigrants from deportation."
No doubt Duran and her ilk would deny the legacy of the late Barbara Jordan, the Black American Chair of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Jordan spoke for the vast majority of Americans in her 1995 testimony before Congress:
"Our goal should be zero apprehensions — not because aliens get past the Border Patrol, but because they are prevented entry in the first place … .We believe that illegal aliens should be eligible for no public benefits other than those of an emergency nature, in the public health and safety interest, and constitutionally protected … The Commission supports enhancement of the Institutional Hearing Program that permits the federal government to obtain a deportation order while criminal aliens are still serving their sentences."
Back to columnist Francisco Miraval. He sits on the Board of Directors of The Hep C Connection, Molina Soto’s then employer. This organization reportedly helps illegal aliens (a felony under the Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 274).
Miraval’s failure to grasp our First Amendment and its fundamental role in perpetuating freedom shines in his report on the assault. There, he notes that Mario Hernandez, former spokesman for Denver’s Mexican Consulate and now VP of Public Affairs for…wait for it! … First Data Corporation, and the Mexican Consul himself asked me to "behave properly" prior to my being assaulted by his colleague.
"Behave properly" = shut up.
Miraval’s casual view of American civil rights is best revealed on his website, in his description of his pet initiative, Project LEARN, which is designed to "hire Latino immigrants to teach the classes Latino immigrants need … "
News Flash to Francisco: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Your hiring criteria (Latino immigrant) would block even Martin Luther King from applying for Project LEARN jobs.
The Mexicanization of Martin Luther King, Black History, the Civil Rights Movement and our nation, is an unacceptable scenario that Americans will not tolerate. Faced with impostors, ethnic hustlers and traitors — enemies foreign and domestic — make no mistake: WE SHALL OVERCOME.
Terry Graham, an American citizen, was assaulted by a Mexican immigrant while participating in a public forum on immigration sponsored by First Data Corporation/Western Union in Denver on July 22, 2004. She has filed a civil lawsuit seeking damages from her attacker and her employer Hep C Connection, and First Data/Western Union.