Oxford Analytica — Subtle Voice Urging Immigration Fastball

By Donald A. Collins


Our Open Border (OB) business interests are truly clever. While the US Chamber is obviously working tirelessly to force "comprehensive immigration reform," the phase which anyone but a cretin or a nut house inmate would instantly recognize as meaning OB, these folks keep finding new voices, often with subtle academic tones, to advocate cutting American citizens at every level out of jobs, spaces in schools for their children, public services of all types, and, yes, the very democracy we thought we had, based on the Rule of Law.

One such subtle voice is Oxford Analytica, which describes itself as "an independent strategic-consulting firm drawing on a network of more than 1,000 scholar experts at Oxford and other leading universities and research institutions around the world." No doubt who pays its consulting fees. Its web site confirms that its clients are "leading businesses, governments and international organizations." Read its slippery-slope article in full here: U.S. Immigration Reform Likely In 2007, Forbes.com, October 18, 2006.

The position paper opines, "Immigration reform legislation has failed to pass this year. Yet the need for comprehensive reform remains acute."

Acute? For whom? We find out quickly when the report claims "Business leaders have cautioned against excessive restrictions on immigrants. Employers seem to be eschewing native-born workers in favor of new immigrant workers."

The Oxford report sounds a bit like a balanced position paper as it summarizes the various opposing positions on this issue, but always it returns to the real theme dictated by its bottom line. For example, in discussing Republican Party disunity, it notes, "The interests and aims of populist Republicans are at odds with employers who depend on low-wage immigrant employees." It does not then state how such dependency could be fixed by automation or paying decent wages, but rather its tone is: "We are businesses and we will get what we want regardless!"

Admitting terrorism could come with this current OB situation, the article flits on to its main purpose and point: how to get comprehensive immigration laws enacted.

Mentioning Democratic infighting, it notes:

"Trade unions have been hostile to mass immigration. This resistance has declined in the last decade, but union Democrats favor only modest immigration numbers. More liberal and civil-rights-minded Democrats have promoted an open and reform-oriented approach to immigration. The failed reform effort this year was designed to overcome the deep divisions on immigration within and between the two parties."

And therefore "the reform effort stalled for two reasons:

So we, your business friendly OB consulting firm will advise you that

"Reform has become more difficult, because the Bush presidency has presided over a deeply polarized political system. However, comprehensive immigration reform will re-emerge as a major issue in 2007, due to:

Oxford concludes by predicting that "While entrenched interests [Does this mean American citizens who are tired of getting screwed?] have blocked progress [toward OB] on immigration, a desire to clarify the legal status of millions of U.S. residents [the 11 to 20 million illegal alien slaves] and the demands [backed with tons of cash] of the business community, will give the issue legislative impetus. The next Congress is likely to enact comprehensive immigration reform."

In short, prepare for a full court press by the OB crowd next year. If the Congress goes Democrat in November, the capacity to stop this tidal wave of corrupt vote buying will be even more difficult (alas — I say this as a Democrat).

This Oxford article, just one of many like it, should be a real eye opener for all American citizens. It’s like having that telescope in center field at the Polo Grounds in the 1951 National League playoff between the NY Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers, which let Bobby Thompson know Ralph Branca’s next pitch would be a fast ball and allowed him to hit the home run that won the National League Pennant.

The supporters of true, patriotic immigration reform, namely 80% of all Americans, now know something which poor Ralph didn’t: a fast ball is coming on the issue that is ruining their country.

Donald A. Collins [email him], is a freelance writer living in Washington DC and a former long time member of the board of FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform. His views are his own.

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