Rick Santorum, a once and potentially future candidate for president, spoke at the Family Leadership Summit, Ames, Iowa, August 10, 2014.
In the YouTube clip below, Rick Santorum actually talks about the damage done to American workers by immigration. He calls for lower legal immigration. He talks about the Great Wave of immigration in the past, and how it was stopped by the Immigration Act of 1924, which he does not condemn.
Talking about the fact that his grandfather immigrated in 1923, and his father had to wait until 1930 for family reunification, because there were quotas, Santorum doesn’t say we shouldn’t do things like that — he just reports that his father said: “America was worth the wait.”
It’s all sound, patriotic immigration reform stuff — and there’s no transcript online, so watch it yourself:
Did you watch the clip? I’ll transcribe some of it for you. Santorum says
What’s hurting American workers, maybe more than anything else, if you’re an unskilled worker in America, is a huge amount of immigration that’s going on in this country. And I’m not just talking about illegal immigration — yes, we’ve see 12-15 million illegal immigrants here who are competing, in primarily unskilled jobs. But in the last 14 years since 2000, there’ve been more people who’ve come to this country legally than any14 year period in American History, and that includes the Great Wave.
Santorum talks about how waves of immigration come in — and go out. In other words, there were pauses in the immigrant flow — what Pat Buchanan calls “time-outs.”
Santorum is seriously talking about supporting the American worker, and he believes that workers will vote for the GOP if the GOP can give that message and mean it. That’s enough to attract massive condemnation from the likes of Media Matters — always on the alert for “dog whistles”, they’ll be convinced that he got it from us.
And it’s also enough to win an election in 2016.
If politicians, if they can’t see the light, they can feel the heat. I said that about an earlier Santorum speech in June. He’s certainly talking like a guy who’s seen the light, but even if it’s a case of seriously getting it that the GOP is not going to beat the Democrats by running like John McCain, we’ll take it.
A GOP that actually supported American workers would be good news for Labor Day — Obama and the Democrats remain focused on Electing a New People.
Happy Labor Day From VDARE.com!