
SAID IN SPANISH [4 ITEMS]: Haitians, Africans Attack Mexican Government Office; Another Top Mexican Says Cartels Are Recruiting Illegals; Mexican Foreign Minister Will Protect ‘Mexican Diaspora’; DOL Opens Website for Illegals

By Allan Wall


Haitians and Africans Attack Mexican Refugee Office

The Great Replacement illegal-alien invaders that Mexico is permitting to traverse the country to the U.S. border are causing trouble for Mexican officials. The latest: Haitians and Africans are increasingly violent and stormed into a refugee office. Maybe Mexico shouldn’t have stopped trying to control the flow of illegals the minute POTUS 45 Donald Trump left office.

From Milenio, about an uprising of the blacks in Tapachula, a city in Chiapas state on the border with Guatemala. Tapachula is on a major invasion route:

In Tapachula, Chiapas, dozens of migrants from Haiti and African countries violently burst into the offices of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (Comar) with the demand that they be attended to immediately.

From very early, some 3,000 migrants of various nationalities went to the installations of Comar to wait to be attended in their paperwork. Nevertheless, a group of Africans and Haitians began to push against municipal police officers and National Guard soldiers who were guarding the installation.

Later they broke the security fence and entered violently in a stampede. Various migrants, including women and minors fell to the ground, were trampled by a group of persons who passed over them. It is reported that at least 10 migrants were wounded after the incident.

Migrantes irrumpen en las oficinas de Comar en Tapachula; reportan 10 lesionados (“Migrants Burst Into Comar Offices in Tapachula; 10 Reported Injured”), by Julio Navarro Cardenas, Milenio, September 18, 2023 (Graphic video included)

So the invaders weren’t served as quickly as they wanted, and conceived the brilliant strategy to blitz the refugee bureaucracy. No worries, though. Diversity is Mexico’s strength!

A hopeful report from the Associated Press’ Edgar Clemente laughably claimed that “no injuries were reported” [Migrants burst into southern Mexico asylum office demanding papers, September 18, 2023].

I’ll go with Milenio reporter Cardenas on this one.

“After this action, Comar temporarily suspended service to the foreigners until further notice,” he wrote.

Commenter Alejandro Limas Ordaz had this to say:

That’s why nobody wants these persons in their countries. They just bring lack of education, violent behavior, crime, etc. It’s enough to just see Europe.

Undeterred, the mob returned the next day:

In Tapachula, Chiapas, thousands of migrants returned to the offices of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (Comar) to obtain a temporary stay permit.

Migrantes regresan a oficinas de Comar en Tapachula; buscan permiso de estancia temporal (“Migrants return to Comar offices in Tapachula; they seek a temporary stay permit”), by Julio Navarro Cardenas, Milenio, September 19, 2023

The permit would allow them to stay in Tapachula without restrictions, and in some cases, to continue their refugee application. They can also obtain permanent residence or a migratory permit to travel to the United States, their true destination. Thousands are waiting:

Some three thousand migrants, including Haitians, Africans, Cubans, Venezuelans and Colombians, are waiting to be attended to.

After the violent incidents and the chaos that occurred yesterday, Comar decided to continue the service and received 2,000 persons daily.

The migrants remain outside in inadequate conditions, which has generated tension and some sporadic confrontations due to the desperation to acquire a place in the lines to enter the processing offices.

The installation has a small number of municipal police officers and National Guard troops, with scarcely some 20 of them visible to guard the zone, in which between 2,000 and 5,000 migrants assemble daily.

This isn’t the first time that Haitians and Africans have attacked the authorities in Tapachula. The “migrants” rioted four years ago.

Another Mexican Official Admits Cartel Role in Border Invasion

In August, Francisco Garduno Yanez, director of Mexico’s National Institute for Migration, admitted that cartels are recruiting non-Mexican illegals passing through Mexico. Now another INM official has admitted something similar about a specific part of the border.

David Perez Tejada is head of the INM in Baja California.

David Pérez Tejada explained the difficulties in providing aid to foreigners and Mexicans during their passage to the United States, declaring that organized crime controls the illegal traffic of migrants in Baja California,” Milenio’s Said Betanzos reported [Crimen organizado controla cruce ilegal de migrantes en BC, asegura delegado del INM (“Organized Crime Controls Illegal Crossing of Migrants in Baja California, Affirms INM Official”), September 14, 2023].

Perez Tejada also described the most dangerous zones for rescue work. Tops among them is border town Ejido Jacume, between Tijuana and Mexicali, because “there are armed groups in that zone and there are safe houses.”

Algodones, just 11 miles from Yuma, Arizona, is also a “very hot zone.” And in part of Tijuana, “armed men arrive with the migrants who cross the border, and this past weekend one of these companions was shooting while INM personnel were carrying out an operation.”

Next time someone claims that reports of cartel involvement at the border is an nativist conspiracy theory, refer them to Mexico’s top officials.

Alicia Barcena and the Mexican Diaspora

Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena recently testified before the Mexican Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee as part of her confirmation and disclosed one of her key missions: protecting the Mexican “diaspora.”

If there weren’t a “diaspora,” it wouldn’t need "protecting". But forget that not insignificant fact.

From the foreign ministry:

Secretary Barcena proposed the strengthening of the defense of the Mexican Diaspora through the operation of 52 consulates in the United States, where the majority of the approximately 12 million Mexicans, that is, 10% of the Mexican population, lives abroad…[S]he announced the forthcoming opening of the consulate in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Canciller Bárcena comparece ante la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado; plantea ejes prioritarios de la política internacional (“Foreign Minister Barcena Appears Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Proposes Priorities of International Policy”), Gob.mx, September 4, 2023

And no need to worry that Mexican consulates aren’t thoroughly hip to the latest in “gender” ideology. Mexican consulates are LGBTXYZ-friendly:

She [Barcena] emphasized that the Mexican consulate network is a safe zone. Since 2018 it has served everybody regardless of their sexual orientation, through the issuance of birth certificates recognizing gender identity and non-binary passports since 2022, besides registering marriages without distinction of gender.

Next day, the Senate confirmed her and she took the oath of office. Part of her plan for the next twelve months is “to better attend to the Mexican Diaspora” and “to strengthen the sovereignty of Mexico” [Ratifica Senado de la República a canciller y a dossubsecretarios (“Senate of the Republic Ratifies Foreign Minister and Two Subsecretaries”), Gob.mx, September 5, 2023].

One way she’ll do that, as I reported in July, is by waging lawfare against Florida because of its tough immigration laws.

If only someone cared enough to strengthen American sovereignty and wage lawfare against Mexico for aiding and abetting an invasion of the United States.

U.S. Department of Labor Has Spanish-Language Website for Illegal-Alien Workers

The U.S. Department of Labor is doing its part to push along the Great Replacement. Trabajador Migrante, or Migrant Worker, is a Spanish website to help illegal aliens on the job.

“As a migrant worker, you have rights and resources available regardless of our migratory status,” the website avers:

The Department of Labor of the United States is here to help you, to guarantee that your workplace is healthy and safe and that you receive all your salary.

The site even includes a hyperlink that directs illegals to their consulates.

The United States is partnering with the Embassy of Mexico in DC and its network of 52 consulates to promote #LaborRightsWeek Aug. 28-Sept. 1. Every working person deserves #LaborRights, wherever you are, and wherever you’re from. #SpecialRepLabor https://t.co/X7axDBSMBx pic.twitter.com/STqbiZJOz9

— State Department: Democracy, Human Rights, & Labor (@StateDRL) August 28, 2023

Never say that the Biden administration isn’t looking out for workers.

American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan‘s wife is from Mexico and is now a U.S. citizen, their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His VDARE.com articles are archived here; his Border Hawk blog archive is here, his website is here.

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