SAID IN SPANISH: Mexicans (And Some American Expats, Illegally) Protest Trump Inauguration; ETC.
By Allan Wall
Since January 20th, 2017, Donald Trump has been President of the United States. Everyone just has to deal with it. But the Mexican government is trying harder than the Mexican elite — or expatriate Americans in Mexico.
Street Protests
On Inuguration Day, Mexican media reported:
In various parts of the country there were marches and protests against the new President of the United States, Donald Trump, who is considered a menace to Mexico, although the mobilizations had less participation than was expected.Consideran a Trump como una amenaza [“Trump Is Considered A Menace”] El Siglo de Torreón, January 21, 2017. Emphasis added
How is Trump a “menace?” How is he preventing the Mexican government from handling its affairs?
That unexpected "less participation" is interesting: Mexicans may just be burned out on Trump bashing. After all, it’s been nonstop for nineteen months. Also, they may be more concerned about domestic issues, like the rise in gasoline prices (the gasolinazo). (Is there some way to blame Trump for that?)
But there were still plenty of demonstrators who “bore signs against the magnate [Trump], burned American flags and piñatas with Trump’s Image, and formed a human chain”. [Trenzando fronteras contra Trump: performance en puente internacional Santa Fe (“Braiding Frontiers Against Trump: Performance at Santa Fe International Bridge”), La Izquierda Diaro, January 20, 2017]
The American Embassy in Mexico was also a target of protests, with a Donald Trump piñata and a wall built out of cardboard. [Levantan muro frente a la Embajada de EU en Mexico, (“Wall in front of the US embassy in Mexico"), Excelsior, January 25, 2017]
Jorge Castaneda And Enrique Krauze
Jorge Castaneda, the Open Borders fanatic and former Mexican Foreign Minister, termed Trump’s Inauguration D-Day and wrote: “It opens for the entire world a turbulent period, without direction, in which it seems that there will be nothing good, at least in the short and medium range. This is true for many countries, and maybe more for Mexico.” [El día D ("D-Day"), January 20, 2017].
Mexican intellectual Enrique Krause issued several tweets, including one which linked to the Mexican national anthem.
“Read carefully the lyrics of the Mexican National Anthem,” tweeted Krauze, “ It was written in 1854. It is just as relevant now as then.”
Lean con cuidado la letra del Himno Nacional Mexicano. Se escribió en 1854. Hoy es tan vigente como entonces.
— Enrique Krauze (@EnriqueKrauze) January 20, 2017
The anthem (Mexicanos Al Grito De Guerra) is about resisting foreign invaders. But isn’t it America that is resisting foreign invaders these days?
Another tweet declares:
“Before negotiating, a public apology should be demanded to the Mexican people for having called us rapists and criminals.”
Antes de negociar, se debe exigir una disculpa pública al pueblo mexicano por habernos llamado violadores y criminales.
— Enrique Krauze (@EnriqueKrauze) January 21, 2017
Of course, Trump didn’t say this, but his enemies don’t want to know.
Prominent Mexican Leftist leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (known by the initials AMLO), who ran for president in 2006 and 2012 and who will most likely run for president of Mexico next year, also opined on Trump while in a border city. He warned he would not consent “to the regression in the foreign policy of that country and the vulgar menace to the human rights” of the Mexicans (AMLO propone plan de 10 puntos para enfrentar amenazas de Trump [“AMLO proposes a ten-point plan to confront the threats of Trump”], Excelsior, January 20, 2017).
IF ALMO really believes Mexicans are in danger in the U.S., why not tell them to get back to their homeland?
AMLO is planning a 100-day tour of the U.S., beginning on February 12th, “to meet with the paisanos [referring to Mexicans in the U.S.]” including “Los Angeles…, Chicago, Phoebe x [Phoenix?], El Paso, New York, Laredo and San Francisco.”
A grand meddling tour. The Trump Administration should keep an eye on this.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto
In contrast, President Pena Nieto knows he’s going to have to deal with Trump, so he’s acting diplomatic.
An hour after Trump had taken the presidential oath, Mexico’s Excelsior paper reported the Mexican president “congratulated” Trump and stated through Twitter “both presidents would work to strengthen the relationship with shared responsibility” [Felicita Peña Nieto al nuevo presidente de EU, Donald Trump (“Pena Nieto Congratulates the new President of the U.S.:Donald Trump”) Excelsior, January 20, 2017].
He additionally tweeted:
“We will establish a respectful dialogue with the government of President Donald Trump, to the benefit of Mexico”.
“The sovereignty, national interest and protection of the Mexicans will guide the relationship with the new government of the United States.”
Very reasonable from a Mexican point of view. And, equally, defending America’s national interest and sovereignty is what we expect from President Trump.
Upcoming Visits
On January 4th, Mexican President Pena Nieto named a new Foreign Minister, Luis Videgaray.
Needless to say, Videgaray is a white Mexican as you can see.
Because of his importance, he warrants close examination. He has a PhD. in Economics from MIT and is a longtime ally of Pena Nieto. He ran Pena Nieto’s presidential campaign in 2012 and implemented some of the president’s reforms. He was referred to by one analyst as “the power behind the throne.”
Last September, though, Videgaray was forced to step down from his position as Finance Minister after arranging (through a common acquaintance of himself and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner) the meeting between Pena Nieto and then-candidate Trump in Mexico City.
Now, after several months in the political wilderness, Videgaray is back in the administration with a beard and serving as Foreign Minister!
Videgaray, along with Economics Minister Ildefonso Guajardo, is scheduled to visit Washington, D.C. this week to meet Reince Priebus (Chief of Staff), Jared Kushner, Stephen Bannon, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and others. Pena Nieto will meet with Trump in the White House on January 31st.
Giving Jobs To Americans As Something Scary
El Siglo de Torreón claims Trump’s inauguration address “increased the anxiety that some immigrants already feel since the real estate tycoon won the elections” [Discurso aumenta la inquietud entre inmigrantes (“Speech Increases the Unease Among Immigrants”), January 21, 2017].
For example, Brooklyn resident Norberta Diaz says that as she watched Trump’s speech, “I felt like an intruder…I listened with sadness. It was a very different speech from that of Obama, who opened the doors.”
Is it possible she feels like an intruder because she is an intruder?
Colombian-born Natalia Jaramillo, now a U.S. citizen residing in Miami, had to stop watching the address as it gave her so much fear:
It terrified me to hear a leader speaking that way. It scares me because I feel that that idea of a nation does not include me. [Trump] is promising a patriotism and a nationalism for ‘whites’ that is not going to unite a country but divide it more.But why do these immigrants feel they aren’t part of Trump’s nation? Is it Trump’s fault — or did they feel that way already, with Trump just forcing them to take sides?
Then there was this very telling comment by Mexican Alma Reyes (citizenship status not specified), who says this talk about deporting illegal aliens makes her feel uneasy (hmm):
She said:
“What scares me the most is that [Trump] said he would give jobs to Americans. So he thinks we take them.”You said it!
Expats Vs. Trump
An Expatriate ("expat") is a person who resides outside his country of citizenship. I myself was an expatriate for 15 years in Mexico.
There are many reports of American expatriates participating in anti-Trump protests in Mexico. But how, when Mexico does not permit foreigners to participate in demonstrations?
Apparently they made an exception in the cases of anti-Trump protests.
Three examples:
- In the Mexico City protest at the U.S. Embassy, “Some Americans also joined the demonstration, expressing their worry that Trump would comply with all the threats that he had hurled in his campaign” [Consideran a Trump como una amenaza (“They consider Trump as a Threat”), El Siglo de Torreón, January 21, 2017].
- The next day, as part of the international "Women’s March," there was a protest in Mexico City, “some thousand persons — the majority Americans — protested with music and wigs in Mexico City.” This group of mostly American protestors even made its way to the U.S. Embassy, “where another 500 persons were already protesting…” (Mujeres, en pie de lucha contra Trump, [“Women on foot to fight against Trump,” Excelsior, January 22, 2017. Emphasis added).
- In the northwestern state of Sonora, expatriate American retirees took to the streets to lambast Trump: “Some 100 American (literally United Statesean) citizens who reside in the municipality of Alamos, in the south of Sonora, protested against the migratory policy announced by the President Donald Trump and rejected the construction of a wall on the border between Mexico and the United States” [Estadunidenses se manifiestan contra Trump en Álamos, Sonora (“United Stateseans Demonstrate Against Trump in Alamos, Sonora”), by Daniel Sanchez Dorame, January 21, 2017).
For those who just can’t stand to see the face of Donald Trump on Facebook, a
Mexican engineer has found a solution — block it out. From Dinero en Imagen [“Money in Image”)]:
The Mexican Sebastian Morales, engineer, artist and investigator residing in New York, created a tool on Chrome that can make Trump’s face “disappear” from your Facebook timeline … Each time a text bears the word Trump, the tool will replace the image that accompanies the post with a bar of colors.The article shows an example and even includes a place for the reader to obtain the blocking tool himself.Why was some such thing was created? Morales in his description of Chrome explains that “We should have the option of seeing or not seeing the trash that surrounds us.”
¿Harto de Trump? Esta herramienta lo bloqueará de tu timeline (“Sick of Trump? This tool will block him from your timeline”), January 20, 2017
American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.